#!/bin/bash # WARNING: This script assumes Debian Bookworm 64 bits is used if [ -z "$SUDO_USER" ]; then printf "You must call this script with sudo: sudo ./%s\n" "$(basename "$0")" exit 1 fi function update() { # if commented or exists -> do nothing -> return false (1) # if doesn't exist -> add it -> return true (0) grep "^#.*$1" $2 2>&1 >/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then grep "^$1" $2 2>&1 >/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "$1" >> $2 return 0 fi fi return 1 } function insert() { # if commented -> add it # if doesn't exist -> add it # if exists -> do nothing grep "^$1" $2 2>&1 >/dev/null if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "$1" >> $2 fi } insert "dtparam=spi=on" /boot/firmware/config.txt insert "dtparam=i2c_arm=on" /boot/firmware/config.txt insert "gpio=8=pd" /boot/firmware/config.txt insert "gpio=16=pu" /boot/firmware/config.txt # Fix for SPI IRQ high usage insert "dtoverlay=gpio-poweroff,gpiopin=23,active_low" /boot/firmware/config.txt insert "dtoverlay=gpio-shutdown,gpio_pin=24,gpio_pull=up" /boot/firmware/config.txt insert "dtoverlay=spi0-2cs,cs0_pin=7,cs1_pin=8" /boot/firmware/config.txt update "dtoverlay=w5500,cs=0,int_pin=6,speed=10000000" /boot/firmware/config.txt update "dtoverlay=i2c-rtc,ds3231" /boot/firmware/config.txt update "dtoverlay=sc16is752-spi1-rpiplc-v4,xtal=14745600" /boot/firmware/config.txt update "enable_uart=1" /boot/firmware/config.txt sed -i 's/console=serial0,115200 //' /boot/firmware/cmdline.txt insert "i2c-dev" /etc/modules if [ ! -f /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0_1 ]; then cat > /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth0_1 << EOT auto eth0:1 allow-hotplug eth0:1 iface eth0:1 inet static address netmask EOT fi if [ ! -f /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth1_1 ]; then cat > /etc/network/interfaces.d/eth1_1 << EOT auto eth1:1 allow-hotplug eth1:1 iface eth1:1 inet static address netmask EOT fi [ ! -d /home/$SUDO_USER/.ssh ] && mkdir /home/$SUDO_USER/.ssh && chown $SUDO_USER:$SUDO_USER /home/$SUDO_USER/.ssh [ ! -f /home/$SUDO_USER/.ssh/authorized_keys ] && touch /home/$SUDO_USER/.ssh/authorized_keys && chown $SUDO_USER:$SUDO_USER /home/$SUDO_USER/.ssh/authorized_keys && chmod 600 /home/$SUDO_USER/.ssh/authorized_keys update "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQDCmUlYcl2AIROXD6US8s6D+IFU/Mau3TLuo$SUDO_USERhv5t6V0O+u0zoDEvAurC2xP1xf0mLabaIkFxGgixeSvaGrIqy1oPP30ly8f+zMKe0P9k41D+Lq8ZR9ohdTivlZm5MfW4l6xV6jojWPZNafMn+WW7trfRP/XRxKzcz2mjU9GMLHQmxHqBCsqlnUYkIH0Hq+3xwj9U/IJqYiQD5cm9mtXNLhwK7fYS81GPJhE9bNrJ7B/gmvVw0/3JMCK08DcbUOfHoCvJVbYCdZOM3x$SUDO_USERBtnmtLVD9YWn49yXXDg7Ndipq+tYIpg78HLJkhl31wvXiuKZKne/+sCtWArWZkrLdtLhn $SUDO_USER@raspberrypi" /home/$SUDO_USER/.ssh/authorized_keys systemctl enable ssh apt update RPISHUTDOWN_STATUS=0 mkdir -p /etc/rpishutdown/hooks systemctl status rpishutdown-pre-poweroff 2>/dev/null [ $? -eq 0 ] && RPISHUTDOWN_STATUS=1 && systemctl stop rpishutdown-pre-poweroff curl -L https://apps.industrialshields.com/main/rpi_experimental/rpiplc/rpishutdown-pre-poweroff.service \ -o /lib/systemd/system/rpishutdown-pre-poweroff.service curl -L https://apps.industrialshields.com/main/rpi_experimental/rpiplc/check-pre-poweroff-hook.sh \ -o /etc/rpishutdown/hooks/check-pre-poweroff chmod ugo+x /etc/rpishutdown/hooks/check-pre-poweroff if [ ${RPISHUTDOWN_STATUS} -eq 1 ]; then systemctl daemon-reload && systemctl start rpishutdown-pre-poweroff fi systemctl enable rpishutdown-pre-poweroff HWCONFIG_STATUS=0 systemctl status hw-config 2>/dev/null [ $? -eq 0 ] && HWCONFIG_STATUS=1 && systemctl stop hw-config curl -L https://apps.industrialshields.com/main/rpi_experimental/rpiplc/hw-config.service \ -o /lib/systemd/system/hw-config.service curl -L https://apps.industrialshields.com/main/rpi_experimental/rpiplc/blobs64/hw-config -o /usr/local/bin/hw-config chmod ugo+x /usr/local/bin/hw-config if [ ${HWCONFIG_STATUS} -eq 1 ]; then systemctl daemon-reload && systemctl start hw-config fi systemctl enable hw-config.service # Download SC16IS752 dtbo curl -L https://apps.industrialshields.com/main/rpi/rpiplc_click_v4/sc16is752-spi1-rpiplc-v4.dtbo -o /boot/overlays/sc16is752-spi1-rpiplc-v4.dtbo # Install our libraries (and extra libraries for our testers) apt install -y python3-pip python3-serial python3-websockets python3-aiofiles # Build the librpiplc library apt install git cmake -y git clone -b v3.0.2 https://github.com/Industrial-Shields/librpiplc.git cd librpiplc/ cmake -B build/ -DPLC_VERSION=RPIPLC_V6 -DPLC_MODEL=ALL cmake --build build/ -- -j $(nproc) cmake --install build/ ldconfig chown -R $SUDO_USER:$SUDO_USER ~/test/ mv ~/test /home/$SUDO_USER/test chown -R $SUDO_USER:$SUDO_USER . cd .. # Install the python3-librpiplc library git clone -b v3.0.2 https://github.com/Industrial-Shields/python3-librpiplc cd python3-librpiplc python -m pip install . --break-system-packages --root-user-action=ignore chown -R $SUDO_USER:$SUDO_USER . cd .. # Bullseye doesn't need it sed -i -e "/^if \[ -e \/run\/systemd\/system \].*/,+2 s/^/# /" /lib/udev/hwclock-set # Install Node-RED LINE=$(echo " $(hostname)") sed -i "1i${LINE}" /etc/hosts bash <(curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/node-red/linux-installers/master/deb/update-nodejs-and-nodered) << EOT y y y EOT sed -i "/${LINE}/d" /etc/hosts npm install --prefix /home/$SUDO_USER/.node-red node-red-dashboard systemctl enable nodered.service # Other goodies apt install -y ppp ppp-dev i2c-tools cd ~ umask 022 apt-get clean sync reboot