/** * Dashboard General * * .howto remove italic property * remove italic from p.help, p.description, span.description, .form-wrap p * Enlarge font size of dashboard gadgets "configure" link */ .howto { font-style: normal; } p.help, p.description, span.description, .form-wrap p { font-style: normal !important; } .hndle a { font-size: 12px; } /** * Tables * * Remove italic property from tablenav */ .tablenav .displaying-num { font-style: normal; } /** * update-core page * * Enlarge font size, set font-size: normal */ form.upgrade .hint { font-style: normal; font-size: 100%; } /** * Advanced editor form * * More beautiful font-family for screen tagline "Just write." * Enlarge font-size for fullscreen mode texts */ #wp-fullscreen-tagline { font-family: KaiTi, "楷体", sans-serif; } #wp-fullscreen-modes a { font-size: 12px; } /** * Forms * * Form placeholder font-style change */ .js .input-with-default-title { font-style: normal; } /** * Menu editor * * Link to original font-style change */ .link-to-original { font-style: normal; } /** * Media * * Enlarge font-size of sorting text */ #sort-buttons { font-size: 1em !important; } /** * Inline Editing * * font-style change */ .inline-edit-row fieldset span.title, .inline-edit-row fieldset span.checkbox-title { font-style: normal; } /** * Settings > General * * local time and UTC time font-style */ #utc-time, #local-time { font-style: normal; } /** * plugin-install * * font-style fix */ p.install-help { font-style: normal; }