gadwp = GADWP(); $profile = GADWP_Tools::get_selected_profile( $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_profiles_list'], $this->gadwp->config->options['tableid_jail'] ); $this->uaid = esc_html( $profile[2] ); } protected function build_custom_dimensions() { $custom_dimensions = array(); if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_author_dimindex'] && ( is_single() || is_page() ) ) { global $post; $author_id = $post->post_author; $author_name = get_the_author_meta( 'display_name', $author_id ); $index = (int) $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_author_dimindex']; $custom_dimensions[$index] = esc_attr( $author_name ); } if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_pubyear_dimindex'] && is_single() ) { global $post; $date = get_the_date( 'Y', $post->ID ); $index = (int) $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_pubyear_dimindex']; $custom_dimensions[$index] = (int) $date; } if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_pubyearmonth_dimindex'] && is_single() ) { global $post; $date = get_the_date( 'Y-m', $post->ID ); $index = (int) $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_pubyearmonth_dimindex']; $custom_dimensions[$index] = esc_attr( $date ); } if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_category_dimindex'] && is_category() ) { $fields = array(); $index = (int) $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_category_dimindex']; $custom_dimensions[$index] = esc_attr( single_tag_title( '', false ) ); } if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_category_dimindex'] && is_single() ) { global $post; $categories = get_the_category( $post->ID ); foreach ( $categories as $category ) { $index = (int) $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_category_dimindex']; $custom_dimensions[$index] = esc_attr( $category->name ); break; } } if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_tag_dimindex'] && is_single() ) { global $post; $fields = array(); $post_tags_list = ''; $post_tags_array = get_the_tags( $post->ID ); if ( $post_tags_array ) { foreach ( $post_tags_array as $tag ) { $post_tags_list .= $tag->name . ', '; } } $post_tags_list = rtrim( $post_tags_list, ', ' ); if ( $post_tags_list ) { $index = (int) $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_tag_dimindex']; $custom_dimensions[$index] = esc_attr( $post_tags_list ); } } if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_user_dimindex'] ) { $fields = array(); $index = (int) $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_user_dimindex']; $custom_dimensions[$index] = is_user_logged_in() ? 'registered' : 'guest'; } return $custom_dimensions; } protected function is_event_tracking( $opt, $with_pagescrolldepth = true ) { if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_event_tracking'] || $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_aff_tracking'] || $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_hash_tracking'] || $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_formsubmit_tracking'] ) { return true; } if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_pagescrolldepth_tracking'] && $with_pagescrolldepth ) { return true; } return false; } } } if ( ! class_exists( 'GADWP_Tracking_Analytics_Common' ) ) { class GADWP_Tracking_Analytics_Common extends GADWP_Tracking_Analytics_Base { protected $commands; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->load_scripts(); if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['optimize_tracking'] && $this->gadwp->config->options['optimize_pagehiding'] && $this->gadwp->config->options['optimize_containerid'] ) { add_action( 'wp_head', array( $this, 'optimize_output' ), 99 ); } } /** * Styles & Scripts load */ private function load_scripts() { if ( $this->is_event_tracking( true ) ) { $root_domain = GADWP_Tools::get_root_domain(); wp_enqueue_script( 'gadwp-tracking-analytics-events', GADWP_URL . 'front/js/tracking-analytics-events.js', array( 'jquery' ), GADWP_CURRENT_VERSION, $this->gadwp->config->options['trackingevents_infooter'] ); if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_pagescrolldepth_tracking'] ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'gadwp-pagescrolldepth-tracking', GADWP_URL . 'front/js/tracking-scrolldepth.js', array( 'jquery' ), GADWP_CURRENT_VERSION, $this->gadwp->config->options['trackingevents_infooter'] ); } /* @formatter:off */ wp_localize_script( 'gadwp-tracking-analytics-events', 'gadwpUAEventsData', array( 'options' => array( 'event_tracking' => $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_event_tracking'], 'event_downloads' => esc_js($this->gadwp->config->options['ga_event_downloads']), 'event_bouncerate' => $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_event_bouncerate'], 'aff_tracking' => $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_aff_tracking'], 'event_affiliates' => esc_js($this->gadwp->config->options['ga_event_affiliates']), 'hash_tracking' => $this->gadwp->config->options ['ga_hash_tracking'], 'root_domain' => $root_domain, 'event_timeout' => apply_filters( 'gadwp_analyticsevents_timeout', 100 ), 'event_precision' => $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_event_precision'], 'event_formsubmit' => $this->gadwp->config->options ['ga_formsubmit_tracking'], 'ga_pagescrolldepth_tracking' => $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_pagescrolldepth_tracking'], 'ga_with_gtag' => $this->gadwp->config->options ['ga_with_gtag'], ), ) ); /* @formatter:on */ } } /** * Outputs the Google Optimize tracking code */ public function optimize_output() { GADWP_Tools::load_view( 'front/views/optimize-code.php', array( 'containerid' => $this->gadwp->config->options['optimize_containerid'] ) ); } /** * Sanitizes the output of commands in the tracking code * @param string $value * @return string */ protected function filter( $value, $is_dim = false ) { if ( 'true' == $value || 'false' == $value || ( is_numeric( $value ) && ! $is_dim ) ) { return $value; } if ( substr( $value, 0, 1 ) == '[' && substr( $value, - 1 ) == ']' || substr( $value, 0, 1 ) == '{' && substr( $value, - 1 ) == '}' ) { return $value; } return "'" . $value . "'"; } /** * Retrieves the commands */ public function get() { return $this->commands; } /** * Stores the commands * @param array $commands */ public function set( $commands ) { $this->commands = $commands; } /** * Formats the command before being added to the commands * @param string $command * @param array $fields * @param string $fieldsobject * @return array */ public function prepare( $command, $fields, $fieldsobject = null ) { return array( 'command' => $command, 'fields' => $fields, 'fieldsobject' => $fieldsobject ); } /** * Adds a formatted command to commands * @param string $command * @param array $fields * @param string $fieldsobject */ protected function add( $command, $fields, $fieldsobject = null ) { $this->commands[] = $this->prepare( $command, $fields, $fieldsobject ); } } } if ( ! class_exists( 'GADWP_Tracking_Analytics' ) ) { class GADWP_Tracking_Analytics extends GADWP_Tracking_Analytics_Common { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['trackingcode_infooter'] ) { add_action( 'wp_footer', array( $this, 'output' ), 99 ); } else { add_action( 'wp_head', array( $this, 'output' ), 99 ); } } /** * Builds the commands based on user's options */ private function build_commands() { $fields = array(); $fieldsobject = array(); $fields['trackingId'] = $this->uaid; if ( 1 != $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_speed_samplerate'] ) { $fieldsobject['siteSpeedSampleRate'] = (int) $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_speed_samplerate']; } if ( 100 != $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_user_samplerate'] ) { $fieldsobject['sampleRate'] = (int) $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_user_samplerate']; } if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_crossdomain_tracking'] && '' != $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_crossdomain_list'] ) { $fieldsobject['allowLinker'] = 'true'; } if ( ! empty( $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_cookiedomain'] ) ) { $fieldsobject['cookieDomain'] = $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_cookiedomain']; } else { $fields['cookieDomain'] = 'auto'; } if ( ! empty( $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_cookiename'] ) ) { $fieldsobject['cookieName'] = $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_cookiename']; } if ( ! empty( $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_cookieexpires'] ) ) { $fieldsobject['cookieExpires'] = (int) $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_cookieexpires']; } if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['amp_tracking_clientidapi'] ) { $fieldsobject['useAmpClientId'] = 'true'; } $this->add( 'create', $fields, $fieldsobject ); if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_crossdomain_tracking'] && '' != $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_crossdomain_list'] ) { $fields = array(); $fields['plugin'] = 'linker'; $this->add( 'require', $fields ); $fields = array(); $domains = ''; $domains = explode( ',', $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_crossdomain_list'] ); $domains = array_map( 'trim', $domains ); $domains = strip_tags( implode( "','", $domains ) ); $domains = "['" . $domains . "']"; $fields['domains'] = $domains; $this->add( 'linker:autoLink', $fields ); } if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_remarketing'] ) { $fields = array(); $fields['plugin'] = 'displayfeatures'; $this->add( 'require', $fields ); } if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_enhanced_links'] ) { $fields = array(); $fields['plugin'] = 'linkid'; $this->add( 'require', $fields ); } if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_force_ssl'] ) { $fields = array(); $fields['option'] = 'forceSSL'; $fields['value'] = 'true'; $this->add( 'set', $fields ); } $custom_dimensions = $this->build_custom_dimensions(); if ( ! empty( $custom_dimensions ) ) { foreach ( $custom_dimensions as $index => $value ) { $fields = array(); $fields['gadwp_dimension'] = 'dimension' . $index; $fields['gadwp_dim_value'] = $value; $this->add( 'set', $fields ); } } if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_anonymize_ip'] ) { $fields = array(); $fields['option'] = 'anonymizeIp'; $fields['value'] = 'true'; $this->add( 'set', $fields ); } if ( 'enhanced' == $this->gadwp->config->options['ecommerce_mode'] ) { $fields = array(); $fields['plugin'] = 'ec'; $this->add( 'require', $fields ); } else if ( 'standard' == $this->gadwp->config->options['ecommerce_mode'] ) { $fields = array(); $fields['plugin'] = 'ecommerce'; $this->add( 'require', $fields ); } if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['optimize_tracking'] && $this->gadwp->config->options['optimize_containerid'] ) { $fields = array(); $fields['plugin'] = esc_attr( $this->gadwp->config->options['optimize_containerid'] ); $this->add( 'require', $fields ); } $fields = array(); $fields['hitType'] = 'pageview'; $this->add( 'send', $fields ); do_action( 'gadwp_analytics_commands', $this ); } /** * Outputs the Google Analytics tracking code */ public function output() { $this->commands = array(); $this->build_commands(); $trackingcode = ''; foreach ( $this->commands as $set ) { $command = $set['command']; $fields = ''; foreach ( $set['fields'] as $fieldkey => $fieldvalue ) { if ( false === strpos( $fieldkey, 'gadwp_dim_value' ) ) { $fieldvalue = $this->filter( $fieldvalue ); } else { $fieldvalue = $this->filter( $fieldvalue, true ); } $fields .= ", " . $fieldvalue; } if ( $set['fieldsobject'] ) { $fieldsobject = ", {"; foreach ( $set['fieldsobject'] as $fieldkey => $fieldvalue ) { $fieldvalue = $this->filter( $fieldvalue ); $fieldkey = $this->filter( $fieldkey ); $fieldsobject .= $fieldkey . ": " . $fieldvalue . ", "; } $fieldsobject = rtrim( $fieldsobject, ", " ); $fieldsobject .= "}"; $trackingcode .= " ga('" . $command . "'" . $fields . $fieldsobject . ");\n"; } else { $trackingcode .= " ga('" . $command . "'" . $fields . ");\n"; } } $tracking_script_path = apply_filters( 'gadwp_analytics_script_path', '' ); if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_optout'] || $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_dnt_optout'] ) { GADWP_Tools::load_view( 'front/views/analytics-optout-code.php', array( 'uaid' => $this->uaid, 'gaDntOptout' => $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_dnt_optout'], 'gaOptout' => $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_optout'] ) ); } GADWP_Tools::load_view( 'front/views/analytics-code.php', array( 'trackingcode' => $trackingcode, 'tracking_script_path' => $tracking_script_path, 'ga_with_gtag' => $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_with_gtag'] , 'uaid' => $this->uaid ) ); } } } if ( ! class_exists( 'GADWP_Tracking_GlobalSiteTag' ) ) { class GADWP_Tracking_GlobalSiteTag extends GADWP_Tracking_Analytics_Common { public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['trackingcode_infooter'] ) { add_action( 'wp_footer', array( $this, 'output' ), 99 ); } else { add_action( 'wp_head', array( $this, 'output' ), 99 ); } } /** * Builds the commands based on user's options */ private function build_commands() { $fields = array(); $fieldsobject = array(); $fields['trackingId'] = $this->uaid; $custom_dimensions = $this->build_custom_dimensions(); /* * if ( 1 != $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_speed_samplerate'] ) { * $fieldsobject['siteSpeedSampleRate'] = (int) $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_speed_samplerate']; * } */ if ( ! empty( $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_cookiedomain'] ) ) { $fieldsobject['cookie_domain'] = $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_cookiedomain']; } if ( ! empty( $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_cookiename'] ) ) { $fieldsobject['cookie_name'] = $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_cookiename']; } if ( ! empty( $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_cookieexpires'] ) ) { $fieldsobject['cookie_expires'] = (int) $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_cookieexpires']; } /* * if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['amp_tracking_clientidapi'] ) { * $fieldsobject['useAmpClientId'] = 'true'; * } */ if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_crossdomain_tracking'] && '' != $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_crossdomain_list'] ) { $domains = ''; $domains = explode( ',', $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_crossdomain_list'] ); $domains = array_map( 'trim', $domains ); $domains = strip_tags( implode( "','", $domains ) ); $domains = "['" . $domains . "']"; $fieldsobject['linker'] = "{ 'domains' : " . $domains . " }"; } if ( ! $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_remarketing'] ) { $fieldsobject['allow_display_features'] = 'false'; } if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_enhanced_links'] ) { $fieldsobject['link_attribution'] = 'true'; } if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_anonymize_ip'] ) { $fieldsobject['anonymize_ip'] = 'true'; } if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['optimize_tracking'] && $this->gadwp->config->options['optimize_containerid'] ) { $fieldsobject['optimize_id'] = esc_attr( $this->gadwp->config->options['optimize_containerid'] ); } if ( 100 != $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_user_samplerate'] ) { $fieldsobject['sample_rate'] = (int) $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_user_samplerate']; } if ( ! empty( $custom_dimensions ) ) { $fieldsobject['custom_map'] = "{\n\t\t"; foreach ( $custom_dimensions as $index => $value ) { $fieldsobject['custom_map'] .= "'dimension" . $index . "': '" . "gadwp_dim_" . $index . "', \n\t\t"; } $fieldsobject['custom_map'] = rtrim( $fieldsobject['custom_map'], ", \n\t\t" ); $fieldsobject['custom_map'] .= "\n\t}"; } $this->add( 'config', $fields, $fieldsobject ); if ( ! empty( $custom_dimensions ) ) { $fields = array(); $fieldsobject = array(); $fields['event_name'] = 'gadwp_dimensions'; foreach ( $custom_dimensions as $index => $value ) { $fieldsobject['gadwp_dim_' . $index] = $value; } $this->add( 'event', $fields, $fieldsobject ); } do_action( 'gadwp_gtag_commands', $this ); } /** * Outputs the Google Analytics tracking code */ public function output() { $this->commands = array(); $this->build_commands(); $trackingcode = ''; foreach ( $this->commands as $set ) { $command = $set['command']; $fields = ''; foreach ( $set['fields'] as $fieldkey => $fieldvalue ) { $fieldvalue = $this->filter( $fieldvalue ); $fields .= ", " . $fieldvalue; } if ( $set['fieldsobject'] ) { $fieldsobject = ", {\n\t"; foreach ( $set['fieldsobject'] as $fieldkey => $fieldvalue ) { if ( false === strpos( $fieldkey, 'gadwp_' ) ) { $fieldvalue = $this->filter( $fieldvalue ); } else { $fieldvalue = $this->filter( $fieldvalue, true ); } $fieldkey = $this->filter( $fieldkey ); $fieldsobject .= $fieldkey . ": " . $fieldvalue . ", \n\t"; } $fieldsobject = rtrim( $fieldsobject, ", \n\t" ); $fieldsobject .= "\n }"; $trackingcode .= " gtag('" . $command . "'" . $fields . $fieldsobject . ");\n"; } else { $trackingcode .= " gtag('" . $command . "'" . $fields . ");\n"; } } $tracking_script_path = apply_filters( 'gadwp_gtag_script_path', '' ); if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_optout'] || $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_dnt_optout'] ) { GADWP_Tools::load_view( 'front/views/analytics-optout-code.php', array( 'uaid' => $this->uaid, 'gaDntOptout' => $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_dnt_optout'], 'gaOptout' => $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_optout'] ) ); } GADWP_Tools::load_view( 'front/views/analytics-code.php', array( 'trackingcode' => $trackingcode, 'tracking_script_path' => $tracking_script_path, 'ga_with_gtag' => $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_with_gtag'] , 'uaid' => $this->uaid ) ); } } } if ( ! class_exists( 'GADWP_Tracking_Analytics_AMP' ) ) { class GADWP_Tracking_Analytics_AMP extends GADWP_Tracking_Analytics_Base { private $config; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); add_filter( 'amp_post_template_data', array( $this, 'load_scripts' ) ); add_action( 'amp_post_template_footer', array( $this, 'output' ) ); add_filter( 'the_content', array( $this, 'add_data_attributes' ), 999, 1 ); if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['amp_tracking_clientidapi'] ) { add_action( 'amp_post_template_head', array( $this, 'add_amp_client_id' ) ); } } private function get_link_event_data( $link ) { if ( empty( $link ) ) { return false; } if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_event_tracking'] ) { // on changes adjust the substr() length parameter if ( substr( $link, 0, 7 ) === "mailto:" ) { return array( 'email', 'send', $link ); } // on changes adjust the substr() length parameter if ( substr( $link, 0, 4 ) === "tel:" ) { return array( 'telephone', 'call', $link ); } // Add download data-vars if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_event_downloads'] && preg_match( '/.*\.(' . $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_event_downloads'] . ')(\?.*)?$/i', $link, $matches ) ) { return array( 'download', 'click', $link ); } } if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_hash_tracking'] ) { // Add hashmark data-vars $root_domain = GADWP_Tools::get_root_domain(); if ( $root_domain && ( strpos( $link, $root_domain ) > - 1 || strpos( $link, '://' ) === false ) && strpos( $link, '#' ) > - 1 ) { return array( 'hashmark', 'click', $link ); } } if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_aff_tracking'] ) { // Add affiliate data-vars if ( strpos( $link, $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_event_affiliates'] ) > - 1 ) { return array( 'affiliates', 'click', $link ); } } if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_event_tracking'] ) { // Add outbound data-vars $root_domain = GADWP_Tools::get_root_domain(); if ( $root_domain && strpos( $link, $root_domain ) === false && strpos( $link, '://' ) > - 1 ) { return array( 'outbound', 'click', $link ); } } return false; } public function add_data_attributes( $content ) { if ( function_exists( 'is_amp_endpoint' ) && is_amp_endpoint() && $this->is_event_tracking( false ) ) { $dom = GADWP_Tools::get_dom_from_content( $content ); if ( $dom ) { $links = $dom->getElementsByTagName( 'a' ); foreach ( $links as $item ) { $data_attributes = $this->get_link_event_data( $item->getAttribute( 'href' ) ); if ( $data_attributes ) { if ( ! $item->hasAttribute( 'data-vars-ga-category' ) ) { $item->setAttribute( 'data-vars-ga-category', $data_attributes[0] ); } if ( ! $item->hasAttribute( 'data-vars-ga-action' ) ) { $item->setAttribute( 'data-vars-ga-action', $data_attributes[1] ); } if ( ! $item->hasAttribute( 'data-vars-ga-label' ) ) { $item->setAttribute( 'data-vars-ga-label', $data_attributes[2] ); } } } if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_formsubmit_tracking'] ) { $form_submits = $dom->getElementsByTagName( 'input' ); foreach ( $form_submits as $item ) { if ( $item->getAttribute( 'type' ) == 'submit' ) { if ( ! $item->hasAttribute( 'data-vars-ga-category' ) ) { $item->setAttribute( 'data-vars-ga-category', 'form' ); } if ( ! $item->hasAttribute( 'data-vars-ga-action' ) ) { $item->setAttribute( 'data-vars-ga-action', 'submit' ); } if ( ! $item->hasAttribute( 'data-vars-ga-label' ) ) { if ( $item->getAttribute( 'value' ) ) { $label = $item->getAttribute( 'value' ); } if ( $item->getAttribute( 'name' ) ) { $label = $item->getAttribute( 'name' ); } $item->setAttribute( 'data-vars-ga-label', $label ); } } } } return GADWP_Tools::get_content_from_dom( $dom ); } } return $content; } /** * Inserts the Analytics AMP script in the head section */ public function load_scripts( $data ) { if ( ! isset( $data['amp_component_scripts'] ) ) { $data['amp_component_scripts'] = array(); } $data['amp_component_scripts']['amp-analytics'] = ''; return $data; } /** * Retrieves the AMP config array */ public function get() { return $this->config; } /** * Stores the AMP config array * @param array $config */ public function set( $config ) { $this->config = $config; } private function build_json() { $this->config = array(); // Set the Tracking ID /* @formatter:off */ $this->config['vars'] = array( 'account' => $this->uaid, 'documentLocation' => '${canonicalUrl}', ); /* @formatter:on */ // Set Custom Dimensions as extraUrlParams $custom_dimensions = $this->build_custom_dimensions(); if ( ! empty( $custom_dimensions ) ) { foreach ( $custom_dimensions as $index => $value ) { $dimension = 'cd' . $index; $this->config['extraUrlParams'][$dimension] = $value; } } // Set Triggers /* @formatter:off */ $this->config['triggers']['gadwpTrackPageview'] = array( 'on' => 'visible', 'request' => 'pageview', ); /* @formatter:on */ // Set Sampling Rate only if lower than 100% if ( 100 != $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_user_samplerate'] ) { /* @formatter:off */ $this->config['triggers']['gadwpTrackPageview']['sampleSpec'] = array( 'sampleOn' => '${clientId}', 'threshold' => (int) $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_user_samplerate'], ); /* @formatter:on */ } // Set Scroll events if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_pagescrolldepth_tracking'] ) { /* @formatter:off */ $this->config['triggers']['gadwpScrollPings'] = array ( 'on' => 'scroll', 'scrollSpec' => array( 'verticalBoundaries' => '[25, 50, 75, 100]', ), 'request' => 'event', 'vars' => array( 'eventCategory' => 'Scroll Depth', 'eventAction' => 'Percentage', 'eventLabel' => '${verticalScrollBoundary}%', ), ); /* @formatter:on */ $this->config['triggers']['gadwpScrollPings']['extraUrlParams'] = array( 'ni' => true ); } if ( $this->is_event_tracking( false ) ) { // Set downloads, outbound links, affiliate links, hashmarks, e-mails, telephones, form submits events /* @formatter:off */ $this->config['triggers']['gadwpEventTracking'] = array ( 'on' => 'click', 'selector' => '[data-vars-ga-category][data-vars-ga-action][data-vars-ga-label]', 'request' => 'event', 'vars' => array( 'eventCategory' => '${gaCategory}', 'eventAction' => '${gaAction}', 'eventLabel' => '${gaLabel}', ), ); /* @formatter:on */ if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_event_bouncerate'] ) { $this->config['triggers']['gadwpEventTracking']['extraUrlParams'] = array( 'ni' => (bool) $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_event_bouncerate'] ); } } do_action( 'gadwp_analytics_amp_config', $this ); } public function add_amp_client_id() { GADWP_Tools::load_view( 'front/views/analytics-amp-clientidapi.php' ); } /** * Outputs the Google Analytics tracking code for AMP */ public function output() { $this->build_json(); if ( version_compare( phpversion(), '5.4.0', '<' ) ) { $json = json_encode( $this->config ); } else { $json = json_encode( $this->config, JSON_PRETTY_PRINT ); } $json = str_replace( array( '"[', ']"' ), array( '[', ']' ), $json ); // make verticalBoundaries a JavaScript array $data = array( 'json' => $json ); GADWP_Tools::load_view( 'front/views/analytics-amp-code.php', $data ); } } }