gadwp = GADWP(); include_once ( GADWP_DIR . 'tools/src/Deconf/autoload.php' ); $config = new Deconf_Config(); $config->setCacheClass( 'Deconf_Cache_Null' ); if ( function_exists( 'curl_version' ) ) { $curlversion = curl_version(); $curl_options = array(); if ( isset( $curlversion['version'] ) ) { $rightversion = ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0' ) >= 0 ) && version_compare( $curlversion['version'], '7.10.8' ) >= 0; } else { $rightversion = false; } if ( $rightversion && defined( 'GADWP_IP_VERSION' ) && GADWP_IP_VERSION ) { $curl_options[CURLOPT_IPRESOLVE] = GADWP_IP_VERSION; // Force CURL_IPRESOLVE_V4 or CURL_IPRESOLVE_V6 } // add Proxy server settings to curl, if defined if ( defined( 'WP_PROXY_HOST' ) && defined( 'WP_PROXY_PORT' ) ) { $curl_options[CURLOPT_PROXY] = WP_PROXY_HOST; $curl_options[CURLOPT_PROXYPORT] = WP_PROXY_PORT; } if ( defined( 'WP_PROXY_USERNAME' ) && defined( 'WP_PROXY_PASSWORD' ) ) { $curl_options[CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH] = CURLAUTH_BASIC; $curl_options[CURLOPT_PROXYUSERPWD] = WP_PROXY_USERNAME . ':' . WP_PROXY_PASSWORD; } $curl_options = apply_filters( 'gadwp_curl_options', $curl_options ); if ( ! empty( $curl_options ) ) { $config->setClassConfig( 'Deconf_IO_Curl', 'options', $curl_options ); } } $this->client = new Deconf_Client( $config ); $this->client->setScopes( array( '' ) ); $this->client->setAccessType( 'offline' ); $this->client->setApplicationName( 'GADWP ' . GADWP_CURRENT_VERSION ); $this->client->setRedirectUri( 'urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob' ); $this->managequota = 'u' . get_current_user_id() . 's' . get_current_blog_id(); $this->access = array_map( array( $this, 'map' ), $this->access ); if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['user_api'] ) { $this->client->setClientId( $this->gadwp->config->options['client_id'] ); $this->client->setClientSecret( $this->gadwp->config->options['client_secret'] ); } else { $this->client->setClientId( $this->access[0] ); $this->client->setClientSecret( $this->access[1] ); } /** * GADWP Endpoint support */ add_action( 'gadwp_endpoint_support', array( $this, 'add_endpoint_support' ) ); $this->service = new Deconf_Service_Analytics( $this->client ); if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['token'] ) { $token = $this->gadwp->config->options['token']; if ( $token ) { try { $this->client->setAccessToken( $token ); if ( $this->client->isAccessTokenExpired() ) { $refreshtoken = $this->client->getRefreshToken(); $this->client->refreshToken( $refreshtoken ); } $this->gadwp->config->options['token'] = $this->client->getAccessToken(); } catch ( Deconf_IO_Exception $e ) { $timeout = $this->get_timeouts( 'midnight' ); GADWP_Tools::set_error( $e, $timeout ); } catch ( Deconf_Service_Exception $e ) { $timeout = $this->get_timeouts( 'midnight' ); GADWP_Tools::set_error( $e, $timeout ); $this->reset_token(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { $timeout = $this->get_timeouts( 'midnight' ); GADWP_Tools::set_error( $e, $timeout ); $this->reset_token(); } if ( is_multisite() && $this->gadwp->config->options['network_mode'] ) { $this->gadwp->config->set_plugin_options( true ); } else { $this->gadwp->config->set_plugin_options(); } } } } public function add_endpoint_support( $request ) { if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['with_endpoint'] && ! $this->gadwp->config->options['user_api'] ) { $url = $request->getUrl(); if ( in_array( $url, array( '', '' ) ) ) { if ( get_class( $this->client->getIo() ) != 'Deconf_IO_Stream' ) { $curl_old_options = $this->client->getClassConfig( 'Deconf_IO_Curl' ); $curl_options = $curl_old_options['options']; $curl_options[CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER] = 0; $this->client->setClassConfig( 'Deconf_IO_Curl', 'options', $curl_options ); } else { add_filter( 'gadwp_endpoint_stream_options', array( $this, 'add_endpoint_stream_ssl' ), 10 ); } } else { if ( get_class( $this->client->getIo() ) != 'Deconf_IO_Stream' ) { $curl_old_options = $this->client->getClassConfig( 'Deconf_IO_Curl' ); $curl_options = $curl_old_options['options']; if ( isset( $curl_options[CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER] ) ) { unset( $curl_options[CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER] ); if ( empty( $curl_options ) ) { $this->client->setClassConfig( 'Deconf_IO_Curl', 'options', '' ); } else { $this->client->setClassConfig( 'Deconf_IO_Curl', 'options', $curl_options ); } } } } $url = str_replace( '', GADWP_ENDPOINT_URL . 'gadwp-token.php', $url ); $url = str_replace( '', GADWP_ENDPOINT_URL . 'gadwp-revoke.php', $url ); $request->setUrl( $url ); if ( ! $request->getUserAgent() ) { $request->setUserAgent( $this->client->getApplicationName() ); } } } public function add_endpoint_stream_ssl( $requestSslContext ) { return array( "verify_peer" => false ); } /** * Handles errors returned by GAPI Library * * @return boolean */ public function gapi_errors_handler() { $errors = GADWP_Tools::get_cache( 'gapi_errors' ); if ( false === $errors || ! isset( $errors[0] ) ) { // invalid error return false; } if ( isset( $errors[1][0]['reason'] ) && ( 'invalidParameter' == $errors[1][0]['reason'] || 'badRequest' == $errors[1][0]['reason'] || 'invalidCredentials' == $errors[1][0]['reason'] || 'insufficientPermissions' == $errors[1][0]['reason'] || 'required' == $errors[1][0]['reason'] ) ) { $this->reset_token(); return true; } /** Back-off system for subsequent requests - an Auth error generated after a Service request * The native back-off system for Service requests is covered by the GAPI PHP Client */ if ( isset( $errors[1][0]['reason'] ) && ( 'authError' == $errors[1][0]['reason'] ) ) { if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['api_backoff'] <= 5 ) { usleep( $this->gadwp->config->options['api_backoff'] * 1000000 + rand( 100000, 1000000 ) ); $this->gadwp->config->options['api_backoff'] = $this->gadwp->config->options['api_backoff'] + 1; $this->gadwp->config->set_plugin_options(); return false; } else { return true; } } if ( 500 == $errors[0] || 503 == $errors[0] || 400 == $errors[0] || 401 == $errors[0] || 403 == $errors[0] || $errors[0] < - 50 ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Calculates proper timeouts for each GAPI query * * @param * $interval * @return number */ public function get_timeouts( $interval = '' ) { $local_time = time() + $this->timeshift; if ( 'daily' == $interval ) { $nextday = explode( '-', date( 'n-j-Y', strtotime( ' +1 day', $local_time ) ) ); $midnight = mktime( 0, 0, 0, $nextday[0], $nextday[1], $nextday[2] ); return $midnight - $local_time; } else if ( 'midnight' == $interval ) { $midnight = strtotime( "tomorrow 00:00:00" ); // UTC midnight $midnight = $midnight + 8 * 3600; // UTC 8 AM return $midnight - time(); } else if ( 'hourly' == $interval ) { $nexthour = explode( '-', date( 'H-n-j-Y', strtotime( ' +1 hour', $local_time ) ) ); $newhour = mktime( $nexthour[0], 0, 0, $nexthour[1], $nexthour[2], $nexthour[3] ); return $newhour - $local_time; } else { $newtime = strtotime( ' +5 minutes', $local_time ); return $newtime - $local_time; } } /** * Generates and retrieves the Access Code */ public function token_request() { $data['authUrl'] = $this->client->createAuthUrl(); GADWP_Tools::load_view( 'admin/views/access-code.php', $data ); } /** * Retrieves all Google Analytics Views with details * * @return array */ public function refresh_profiles() { try { $ga_profiles_list = array(); $startindex = 1; $totalresults = 65535; // use something big while ( $startindex < $totalresults ) { $profiles = $this->service->management_profiles->listManagementProfiles( '~all', '~all', array( 'start-index' => $startindex ) ); $items = $profiles->getItems(); $totalresults = $profiles->getTotalResults(); if ( $totalresults > 0 ) { foreach ( $items as $profile ) { $timetz = new DateTimeZone( $profile->getTimezone() ); $localtime = new DateTime( 'now', $timetz ); $timeshift = strtotime( $localtime->format( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ) ) - time(); $ga_profiles_list[] = array( $profile->getName(), $profile->getId(), $profile->getwebPropertyId(), $profile->getwebsiteUrl(), $timeshift, $profile->getTimezone(), $profile->getDefaultPage() ); $startindex++; } } } if ( empty( $ga_profiles_list ) ) { $timeout = $this->get_timeouts( 'midnight' ); GADWP_Tools::set_error( 'No properties were found in this account!', $timeout ); } else { GADWP_Tools::delete_cache( 'last_error' ); } return $ga_profiles_list; } catch ( Deconf_IO_Exception $e ) { $timeout = $this->get_timeouts( 'midnight' ); GADWP_Tools::set_error( $e, $timeout ); return $ga_profiles_list; } catch ( Deconf_Service_Exception $e ) { $timeout = $this->get_timeouts( 'midnight' ); GADWP_Tools::set_error( $e, $timeout ); } catch ( Exception $e ) { $timeout = $this->get_timeouts( 'midnight' ); GADWP_Tools::set_error( $e, $timeout ); } } /** * Handles the token reset process * * @param * $all */ public function reset_token( $all = false ) { $this->gadwp->config->options['token'] = ""; if ( $all ) { $this->gadwp->config->options['tableid_jail'] = ""; $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_profiles_list'] = array(); try { $this->client->revokeToken(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { if ( is_multisite() && $this->gadwp->config->options['network_mode'] ) { $this->gadwp->config->set_plugin_options( true ); } else { $this->gadwp->config->set_plugin_options(); } } } if ( is_multisite() && $this->gadwp->config->options['network_mode'] ) { $this->gadwp->config->set_plugin_options( true ); } else { $this->gadwp->config->set_plugin_options(); } } /** * Get and cache Core Reports * * @param * $projecId * @param * $from * @param * $to * @param * $metrics * @param * $options * @param * $serial * @return int|Deconf_Service_Analytics_GaData */ private function handle_corereports( $projectId, $from, $to, $metrics, $options, $serial ) { try { if ( 'today' == $from ) { $interval = 'hourly'; } else { $interval = 'daily'; } $transient = GADWP_Tools::get_cache( $serial ); if ( false === $transient ) { if ( $this->gapi_errors_handler() ) { return - 23; } $options['samplingLevel'] = 'HIGHER_PRECISION'; $data = $this->service->data_ga->get( 'ga:' . $projectId, $from, $to, $metrics, $options ); if ( method_exists( $data, 'getContainsSampledData' ) && $data->getContainsSampledData() ) { $sampling['date'] = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s' ); $sampling['percent'] = number_format( ( $data->getSampleSize() / $data->getSampleSpace() ) * 100, 2 ) . '%'; $sampling['sessions'] = $data->getSampleSize() . ' / ' . $data->getSampleSpace(); GADWP_Tools::set_cache( 'sampleddata', $sampling, 30 * 24 * 3600 ); GADWP_Tools::set_cache( $serial, $data, $this->get_timeouts( 'hourly' ) ); // refresh every hour if data is sampled } else { GADWP_Tools::set_cache( $serial, $data, $this->get_timeouts( $interval ) ); } } else { $data = $transient; } } catch ( Deconf_Service_Exception $e ) { $timeout = $this->get_timeouts( 'midnight' ); GADWP_Tools::set_error( $e, $timeout ); return $e->getCode(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { $timeout = $this->get_timeouts( 'midnight' ); GADWP_Tools::set_error( $e, $timeout ); return $e->getCode(); } $this->gadwp->config->options['api_backoff'] = 0; $this->gadwp->config->set_plugin_options(); if ( $data->getRows() > 0 ) { return $data; } else { $data->rows = array(); return $data; } } /** * Generates serials for transients * * @param * $serial * @return string */ public function get_serial( $serial ) { return sprintf( "%u", crc32( $serial ) ); } /** * Analytics data for Area Charts (Admin Dashboard Widget report) * * @param * $projectId * @param * $from * @param * $to * @param * $query * @param * $filter * @return array|int */ private function get_areachart_data( $projectId, $from, $to, $query, $filter = '' ) { switch ( $query ) { case 'users' : $title = __( "Users", 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ); break; case 'pageviews' : $title = __( "Page Views", 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ); break; case 'visitBounceRate' : $title = __( "Bounce Rate", 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ); break; case 'organicSearches' : $title = __( "Organic Searches", 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ); break; case 'uniquePageviews' : $title = __( "Unique Page Views", 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ); break; default : $title = __( "Sessions", 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ); } $metrics = 'ga:' . $query; if ( 'today' == $from || 'yesterday' == $from ) { $dimensions = 'ga:hour'; $dayorhour = __( "Hour", 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ); } else if ( '365daysAgo' == $from || '1095daysAgo' == $from ) { $dimensions = 'ga:yearMonth, ga:month'; $dayorhour = __( "Date", 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ); } else { $dimensions = 'ga:date,ga:dayOfWeekName'; $dayorhour = __( "Date", 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ); } $options = array( 'dimensions' => $dimensions, 'quotaUser' => $this->managequota . 'p' . $projectId ); if ( $filter ) { $options['filters'] = 'ga:pagePath==' . $filter; } $serial = 'qr2_' . $this->get_serial( $projectId . $from . $metrics . $filter ); $data = $this->handle_corereports( $projectId, $from, $to, $metrics, $options, $serial ); if ( is_numeric( $data ) ) { return $data; } if ( empty( $data->rows ) ) { // unable to render it as an Area Chart, returns a numeric value to be handled by reportsx.js return - 21; } $gadwp_data = array( array( $dayorhour, $title ) ); if ( 'today' == $from || 'yesterday' == $from ) { foreach ( $data->getRows() as $row ) { $gadwp_data[] = array( (int) $row[0] . ':00', round( $row[1], 2 ) ); } } else if ( '365daysAgo' == $from || '1095daysAgo' == $from ) { foreach ( $data->getRows() as $row ) { /* * translators: * Example: 'F, Y' will become 'November, 2015' * For details see: */ $gadwp_data[] = array( date_i18n( __( 'F, Y', 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ), strtotime( $row[0] . '01' ) ), round( $row[2], 2 ) ); } } else { foreach ( $data->getRows() as $row ) { /* * translators: * Example: 'l, F j, Y' will become 'Thusday, November 17, 2015' * For details see: */ $gadwp_data[] = array( date_i18n( __( 'l, F j, Y', 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ), strtotime( $row[0] ) ), round( $row[2], 2 ) ); } } return $gadwp_data; } /** * Analytics data for Bottom Stats (bottom stats on main report) * * @param * $projectId * @param * $from * @param * $to * @param * $filter * @return array|int */ private function get_bottomstats( $projectId, $from, $to, $filter = '' ) { $options = array( 'dimensions' => null, 'quotaUser' => $this->managequota . 'p' . $projectId ); if ( $filter ) { $options['filters'] = 'ga:pagePath==' . $filter; $metrics = 'ga:uniquePageviews,ga:users,ga:pageviews,ga:BounceRate,ga:organicSearches,ga:pageviewsPerSession,ga:avgTimeOnPage,ga:avgPageLoadTime,ga:exitRate'; } else { $metrics = 'ga:sessions,ga:users,ga:pageviews,ga:BounceRate,ga:organicSearches,ga:pageviewsPerSession,ga:avgTimeOnPage,ga:avgPageLoadTime,ga:avgSessionDuration'; } $serial = 'qr3_' . $this->get_serial( $projectId . $from . $filter ); $data = $this->handle_corereports( $projectId, $from, $to, $metrics, $options, $serial ); if ( is_numeric( $data ) ) { return $data; } $gadwp_data = array(); foreach ( $data->getRows() as $row ) { $gadwp_data = array_map( 'floatval', $row ); } // i18n support $gadwp_data[0] = isset( $gadwp_data[0] ) ? number_format_i18n( $gadwp_data[0] ) : 0; $gadwp_data[1] = isset( $gadwp_data[1] ) ? number_format_i18n( $gadwp_data[1] ) : 0; $gadwp_data[2] = isset( $gadwp_data[2] ) ? number_format_i18n( $gadwp_data[2] ) : 0; $gadwp_data[3] = isset( $gadwp_data[3] ) ? number_format_i18n( $gadwp_data[3], 2 ) . '%' : '0%'; $gadwp_data[4] = isset( $gadwp_data[4] ) ? number_format_i18n( $gadwp_data[4] ) : 0; $gadwp_data[5] = isset( $gadwp_data[5] ) ? number_format_i18n( $gadwp_data[5], 2 ) : 0; $gadwp_data[6] = isset( $gadwp_data[6] ) ? gmdate( "H:i:s", $gadwp_data[6] ) : '00:00:00'; $gadwp_data[7] = isset( $gadwp_data[7] ) ? number_format_i18n( $gadwp_data[7], 2 ) : 0; if ( $filter ) { $gadwp_data[8] = isset( $gadwp_data[8] ) ? number_format_i18n( $gadwp_data[8], 2 ) . '%' : '0%'; } else { $gadwp_data[8] = isset( $gadwp_data[8] ) ? gmdate( "H:i:s", $gadwp_data[8] ) : '00:00:00'; } return $gadwp_data; } /** * Analytics data for Table Charts (content pages) * * @param * $projectId * @param * $from * @param * $to * @param * $filter * @return array|int */ private function get_contentpages( $projectId, $from, $to, $filter = '', $metric ) { $metrics = 'ga:' . $metric; $dimensions = 'ga:pageTitle'; $options = array( 'dimensions' => $dimensions, 'sort' => '-' . $metrics, 'quotaUser' => $this->managequota . 'p' . $projectId ); if ( $filter ) { $options['filters'] = 'ga:pagePath==' . $filter; } $serial = 'qr4_' . $this->get_serial( $projectId . $from . $filter . $metric ); $data = $this->handle_corereports( $projectId, $from, $to, $metrics, $options, $serial ); if ( is_numeric( $data ) ) { return $data; } $gadwp_data = array( array( __( "Pages", 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ), __( ucfirst( $metric ), 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ) ) ); foreach ( $data->getRows() as $row ) { $gadwp_data[] = array( esc_html( $row[0] ), (int) $row[1] ); } return $gadwp_data; } /** * Analytics data for 404 Errors * * @param * $projectId * @param * $from * @param * $to * @return array|int */ private function get_404errors( $projectId, $from, $to, $filter = "Page Not Found", $metric ) { $metrics = 'ga:' . $metric; $dimensions = 'ga:pagePath,ga:fullReferrer'; $options = array( 'dimensions' => $dimensions, 'sort' => '-' . $metrics, 'quotaUser' => $this->managequota . 'p' . $projectId ); $options['filters'] = 'ga:pageTitle=@' . $filter; $serial = 'qr4_' . $this->get_serial( $projectId . $from . $filter . $metric ); $data = $this->handle_corereports( $projectId, $from, $to, $metrics, $options, $serial ); if ( is_numeric( $data ) ) { return $data; } $gadwp_data = array( array( __( "404 Errors", 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ), __( ucfirst( $metric ), 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ) ) ); foreach ( $data->getRows() as $row ) { $path = esc_html( $row[0] ); $source = esc_html( $row[1] ); $gadwp_data[] = array( "" . __( "URI:", 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ) . " " . $path . "
" . __( "Source:", 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ) . " " . $source, (int) $row[2] ); } return $gadwp_data; } /** * Analytics data for Table Charts (referrers) * * @param * $projectId * @param * $from * @param * $to * @param * $filter * @return array|int */ private function get_referrers( $projectId, $from, $to, $filter = '', $metric ) { $metrics = 'ga:' . $metric; $dimensions = 'ga:source'; $options = array( 'dimensions' => $dimensions, 'sort' => '-' . $metrics, 'quotaUser' => $this->managequota . 'p' . $projectId ); if ( $filter ) { $options['filters'] = 'ga:medium==referral;ga:pagePath==' . $filter; } else { $options['filters'] = 'ga:medium==referral'; } $serial = 'qr5_' . $this->get_serial( $projectId . $from . $filter . $metric ); $data = $this->handle_corereports( $projectId, $from, $to, $metrics, $options, $serial ); if ( is_numeric( $data ) ) { return $data; } $gadwp_data = array( array( __( "Referrers", 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ), __( ucfirst( $metric ), 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ) ) ); foreach ( $data->getRows() as $row ) { $gadwp_data[] = array( esc_html( $row[0] ), (int) $row[1] ); } return $gadwp_data; } /** * Analytics data for Table Charts (searches) * * @param * $projectId * @param * $from * @param * $to * @param * $filter * @return array|int */ private function get_searches( $projectId, $from, $to, $filter = '', $metric ) { $metrics = 'ga:' . $metric; $dimensions = 'ga:keyword'; $options = array( 'dimensions' => $dimensions, 'sort' => '-' . $metrics, 'quotaUser' => $this->managequota . 'p' . $projectId ); if ( $filter ) { $options['filters'] = 'ga:keyword!=(not set);ga:pagePath==' . $filter; } else { $options['filters'] = 'ga:keyword!=(not set)'; } $serial = 'qr6_' . $this->get_serial( $projectId . $from . $filter . $metric ); $data = $this->handle_corereports( $projectId, $from, $to, $metrics, $options, $serial ); if ( is_numeric( $data ) ) { return $data; } $gadwp_data = array( array( __( "Searches", 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ), __( ucfirst( $metric ), 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ) ) ); foreach ( $data->getRows() as $row ) { $gadwp_data[] = array( esc_html( $row[0] ), (int) $row[1] ); } return $gadwp_data; } /** * Analytics data for Table Charts (location reports) * * @param * $projectId * @param * $from * @param * $to * @param * $filter * @return array|int */ private function get_locations( $projectId, $from, $to, $filter = '', $metric ) { $metrics = 'ga:' . $metric; $options = ""; $title = __( "Countries", 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ); $serial = 'qr7_' . $this->get_serial( $projectId . $from . $filter . $metric ); $dimensions = 'ga:country'; $local_filter = ''; if ( $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_target_geomap'] ) { $dimensions = 'ga:city, ga:region'; $country_codes = GADWP_Tools::get_countrycodes(); if ( isset( $country_codes[$this->gadwp->config->options['ga_target_geomap']] ) ) { $local_filter = 'ga:country==' . ( $country_codes[$this->gadwp->config->options['ga_target_geomap']] ); $title = __( "Cities from", 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ) . ' ' . __( $country_codes[$this->gadwp->config->options['ga_target_geomap']] ); $serial = 'qr7_' . $this->get_serial( $projectId . $from . $this->gadwp->config->options['ga_target_geomap'] . $filter . $metric ); } } $options = array( 'dimensions' => $dimensions, 'sort' => '-' . $metrics, 'quotaUser' => $this->managequota . 'p' . $projectId ); if ( $filter ) { $options['filters'] = 'ga:pagePath==' . $filter; if ( $local_filter ) { $options['filters'] .= ';' . $local_filter; } } else { if ( $local_filter ) { $options['filters'] = $local_filter; } } $data = $this->handle_corereports( $projectId, $from, $to, $metrics, $options, $serial ); if ( is_numeric( $data ) ) { return $data; } $gadwp_data = array( array( $title, __( ucfirst( $metric ), 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ) ) ); foreach ( $data->getRows() as $row ) { if ( isset( $row[2] ) ) { $gadwp_data[] = array( esc_html( $row[0] ) . ', ' . esc_html( $row[1] ), (int) $row[2] ); } else { $gadwp_data[] = array( esc_html( $row[0] ), (int) $row[1] ); } } return $gadwp_data; } /** * Analytics data for Org Charts (traffic channels, device categories) * * @param * $projectId * @param * $from * @param * $to * @param * $query * @param * $filter * @return array|int */ private function get_orgchart_data( $projectId, $from, $to, $query, $filter = '', $metric ) { $metrics = 'ga:' . $metric; $dimensions = 'ga:' . $query; $options = array( 'dimensions' => $dimensions, 'sort' => '-' . $metrics, 'quotaUser' => $this->managequota . 'p' . $projectId ); if ( $filter ) { $options['filters'] = 'ga:pagePath==' . $filter; } $serial = 'qr8_' . $this->get_serial( $projectId . $from . $query . $filter . $metric ); $data = $this->handle_corereports( $projectId, $from, $to, $metrics, $options, $serial ); if ( is_numeric( $data ) ) { return $data; } if ( empty( $data->rows ) ) { // unable to render as an Org Chart, returns a numeric value to be handled by reportsx.js return - 21; } $block = ( 'channelGrouping' == $query ) ? __( "Channels", 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ) : __( "Devices", 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ); $gadwp_data = array( array( '
' . $block . '
' . (int) $data['totalsForAllResults'][$metrics] . '
', "" ) ); foreach ( $data->getRows() as $row ) { $shrink = explode( " ", $row[0] ); $gadwp_data[] = array( '
' . esc_html( $shrink[0] ) . '
' . (int) $row[1] . '
', '
' . $block . '
' . (int) $data['totalsForAllResults'][$metrics] . '
' ); } return $gadwp_data; } /** * Analytics data for Pie Charts (traffic mediums, serach engines, social networks, browsers, screen rsolutions, etc.) * * @param * $projectId * @param * $from * @param * $to * @param * $query * @param * $filter * @return array|int */ private function get_piechart_data( $projectId, $from, $to, $query, $filter = '', $metric ) { $metrics = 'ga:' . $metric; $dimensions = 'ga:' . $query; if ( 'source' == $query ) { $options = array( 'dimensions' => $dimensions, 'sort' => '-' . $metrics, 'quotaUser' => $this->managequota . 'p' . $projectId ); if ( $filter ) { $options['filters'] = 'ga:medium==organic;ga:keyword!=(not set);ga:pagePath==' . $filter; } else { $options['filters'] = 'ga:medium==organic;ga:keyword!=(not set)'; } } else { $options = array( 'dimensions' => $dimensions, 'sort' => '-' . $metrics, 'quotaUser' => $this->managequota . 'p' . $projectId ); if ( $filter ) { $options['filters'] = 'ga:' . $query . '!=(not set);ga:pagePath==' . $filter; } else { $options['filters'] = 'ga:' . $query . '!=(not set)'; } } $serial = 'qr10_' . $this->get_serial( $projectId . $from . $query . $filter . $metric ); $data = $this->handle_corereports( $projectId, $from, $to, $metrics, $options, $serial ); if ( is_numeric( $data ) ) { return $data; } $gadwp_data = array( array( __( "Type", 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ), __( ucfirst( $metric ), 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ) ) ); $i = 0; $included = 0; foreach ( $data->getRows() as $row ) { if ( $i < 20 ) { $gadwp_data[] = array( str_replace( "(none)", "direct", esc_html( $row[0] ) ), (int) $row[1] ); $included += $row[1]; $i++; } else { break; } } $totals = $data->getTotalsForAllResults(); $others = $totals[$metrics] - $included; if ( $others > 0 ) { $gadwp_data[] = array( __( 'Other', 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ), $others ); } return $gadwp_data; } /** * Analytics data for Frontend Widget (chart data and totals) * * @param * $projectId * @param * $period * @param * $anonim * @return array|int */ public function frontend_widget_stats( $projectId, $from, $anonim ) { $content = ''; $to = 'yesterday'; $metrics = 'ga:sessions'; $dimensions = 'ga:date,ga:dayOfWeekName'; $options = array( 'dimensions' => $dimensions, 'quotaUser' => $this->managequota . 'p' . $projectId ); $serial = 'qr2_' . $this->get_serial( $projectId . $from . $metrics ); $data = $this->handle_corereports( $projectId, $from, $to, $metrics, $options, $serial ); if ( is_numeric( $data ) ) { return $data; } $gadwp_data = array( array( __( "Date", 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ), __( "Sessions", 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ) ) ); if ( $anonim ) { $max_array = array(); foreach ( $data->getRows() as $item ) { $max_array[] = $item[2]; } $max = max( $max_array ) ? max( $max_array ) : 1; } foreach ( $data->getRows() as $row ) { $gadwp_data[] = array( date_i18n( __( 'l, F j, Y', 'google-analytics-dashboard-for-wp' ), strtotime( $row[0] ) ), ( $anonim ? round( $row[2] * 100 / $max, 2 ) : (int) $row[2] ) ); } $totals = $data->getTotalsForAllResults(); return array( $gadwp_data, $anonim ? 0 : number_format_i18n( $totals['ga:sessions'] ) ); } /** * Analytics data for Realtime component (the real-time report) * * @param * $projectId * @return array|int */ private function get_realtime( $projectId ) { $metrics = 'rt:activeUsers'; $dimensions = 'rt:pagePath,rt:source,rt:keyword,rt:trafficType,rt:visitorType,rt:pageTitle'; try { $serial = 'qr_realtimecache_' . $this->get_serial( $projectId ); $transient = GADWP_Tools::get_cache( $serial ); if ( false === $transient ) { if ( $this->gapi_errors_handler() ) { return - 23; } $data = $this->service->data_realtime->get( 'ga:' . $projectId, $metrics, array( 'dimensions' => $dimensions, 'quotaUser' => $this->managequota . 'p' . $projectId ) ); GADWP_Tools::set_cache( $serial, $data, 55 ); } else { $data = $transient; } } catch ( Deconf_Service_Exception $e ) { $timeout = $this->get_timeouts( 'midnight' ); GADWP_Tools::set_error( $e, $timeout ); return $e->getCode(); } catch ( Exception $e ) { $timeout = $this->get_timeouts( 'midnight' ); GADWP_Tools::set_error( $e, $timeout ); return $e->getCode(); } if ( $data->getRows() < 1 ) { return - 21; } $i = 0; $gadwp_data = $data; foreach ( $data->getRows() as $row ) { $strip = array_map( 'wp_kses_data', $row ); $gadwp_data->rows[$i] = array_map( 'esc_html', $strip ); $i++; } $this->gadwp->config->options['api_backoff'] = 0; $this->gadwp->config->set_plugin_options(); return array( $gadwp_data ); } private function map( $map ) { $map = explode( '.', $map ); if ( isset( $map[1] ) ) { $map[0] += ord( 'map' ); return implode( '.', $map ); } else { return str_ireplace( 'map', chr( 112 ), $map[0] ); } } /** * Handles ajax requests and calls the needed methods * @param * $projectId * @param * $query * @param * $from * @param * $to * @param * $filter * @return number|Deconf_Service_Analytics_GaData */ public function get( $projectId, $query, $from = false, $to = false, $filter = '', $metric = 'sessions' ) { if ( empty( $projectId ) || ! is_numeric( $projectId ) ) { wp_die( - 26 ); } if ( in_array( $query, array( 'sessions', 'users', 'organicSearches', 'visitBounceRate', 'pageviews', 'uniquePageviews' ) ) ) { return $this->get_areachart_data( $projectId, $from, $to, $query, $filter ); } if ( 'bottomstats' == $query ) { return $this->get_bottomstats( $projectId, $from, $to, $filter ); } if ( 'locations' == $query ) { return $this->get_locations( $projectId, $from, $to, $filter, $metric ); } if ( 'referrers' == $query ) { return $this->get_referrers( $projectId, $from, $to, $filter, $metric ); } if ( 'contentpages' == $query ) { return $this->get_contentpages( $projectId, $from, $to, $filter, $metric ); } if ( '404errors' == $query ) { $filter = $this->gadwp->config->options['pagetitle_404']; return $this->get_404errors( $projectId, $from, $to, $filter, $metric ); } if ( 'searches' == $query ) { return $this->get_searches( $projectId, $from, $to, $filter, $metric ); } if ( 'realtime' == $query ) { return $this->get_realtime( $projectId ); } if ( 'channelGrouping' == $query || 'deviceCategory' == $query ) { return $this->get_orgchart_data( $projectId, $from, $to, $query, $filter, $metric ); } if ( in_array( $query, array( 'medium', 'visitorType', 'socialNetwork', 'source', 'browser', 'operatingSystem', 'screenResolution', 'mobileDeviceBranding' ) ) ) { return $this->get_piechart_data( $projectId, $from, $to, $query, $filter, $metric ); } wp_die( - 27 ); } } }