/* global jQuery, jp_banner */ ( function( $ ) { var nav = $( '.jp-wpcom-connect__vertical-nav-container' ), contentContainer = $( '.jp-wpcom-connect__content-container' ), nextFeatureButtons = $( '.jp-banner__button-container .next-feature' ), fullScreenContainer = $( '.jp-connect-full__container' ), fullScreenDismiss = $( '.jp-connect-full__dismiss, .jp-connect-full__dismiss-paragraph' ), wpWelcomeNotice = $( '#welcome-panel' ), connectionBanner = $( '#message' ), connectionBannerDismiss = $( '.connection-banner-dismiss' ); // Move the banner below the WP Welcome notice on the dashboard $( window ).on( 'load', function() { wpWelcomeNotice.insertBefore( connectionBanner ); } ); // Dismiss the connection banner via AJAX connectionBannerDismiss.on( 'click', function() { $( connectionBanner ).hide(); var data = { action: 'jetpack_connection_banner', nonce: jp_banner.connectionBannerNonce, dismissBanner: true }; $.post( jp_banner.ajax_url, data, function( response ) { if ( true !== response.success ) { $( connectionBanner ).show(); } } ); } ); nav.on( 'click', '.vertical-menu__feature-item:not( .vertical-menu__feature-item-is-selected )', function() { transitionSlideToIndex( $( this ).index() ); } ); nextFeatureButtons.on( 'click', function() { var slideIndex = $( this ) .closest( '.jp-wpcom-connect__slide' ) .index(); transitionSlideToIndex( slideIndex + 1 ); } ); function transitionSlideToIndex( index ) { // Remove classes from previously selected menu item and content nav .find( '.vertical-menu__feature-item-is-selected' ) .removeClass( 'vertical-menu__feature-item-is-selected' ); contentContainer .find( '.jp__slide-is-active' ) .removeClass( 'jp__slide-is-active' ); // Add classes to selected menu item and content nav .children() .eq( index ) .addClass( 'vertical-menu__feature-item-is-selected' ); contentContainer .children() .eq( index ) .addClass( 'jp__slide-is-active' ); } /** * Full-screen connection prompt */ fullScreenDismiss.on( 'click', function() { $( fullScreenContainer ).hide(); } ); $( document ).keyup( function( e ) { if ( 27 === e.keyCode ) { $( fullScreenDismiss ).click(); } } ); } )( jQuery );