'Get a list of items in the media library.', 'group' => 'media', 'stat' => 'media', 'min_version' => '1.2', 'max_version' => '1.2', 'method' => 'GET', 'path' => '/sites/%s/media/', 'path_labels' => array( '$site' => '(int|string) Site ID or domain', ), 'query_parameters' => array( 'number' => '(int=20) The number of media items to return. Limit: 100.', 'offset' => '(int=0) 0-indexed offset.', 'page' => '(int) Return the Nth 1-indexed page of posts. Takes precedence over the offset parameter.', 'page_handle' => '(string) A page handle, returned from a previous API call as a meta.next_page property. This is the most efficient way to fetch the next page of results.', 'order' => array( 'DESC' => 'Return files in descending order. For dates, that means newest to oldest.', 'ASC' => 'Return files in ascending order. For dates, that means oldest to newest.', ), 'order_by' => array( 'date' => 'Order by the uploaded time of each file.', 'title' => "Order lexicographically by file titles.", 'ID' => 'Order by media ID.', ), 'search' => '(string) Search query.', 'post_ID' => '(int) Default is showing all items. The post where the media item is attached. 0 shows unattached media items.', 'mime_type' => "(string) Default is empty. Filter by mime type (e.g., 'image/jpeg', 'application/pdf'). Partial searches also work (e.g. passing 'image' will search for all image files).", 'after' => '(ISO 8601 datetime) Return media items uploaded after the specified datetime.', 'before' => '(ISO 8601 datetime) Return media items uploaded before the specified datetime.', ), 'response_format' => array( 'media' => '(array) Array of media objects', 'found' => '(int) The number of total results found', 'meta' => '(object) Meta data', ), 'example_request' => 'https://public-api.wordpress.com/rest/v1.2/sites/82974409/media', 'example_request_data' => array( 'headers' => array( 'authorization' => 'Bearer YOUR_API_TOKEN' ) ) ) ); class WPCOM_JSON_API_List_Media_v1_2_Endpoint extends WPCOM_JSON_API_List_Media_v1_1_Endpoint { function callback( $path = '', $blog_id = 0 ) { $response = parent::callback( $path, $blog_id ); if ( is_wp_error( $response ) ) { return $response; } $media_list = $response['media']; if ( count( $media_list ) < 1 ) { return $response; } foreach ( $media_list as $index => $media_item ) { // expose `revision_history` object for each image $media_item->revision_history = (object) array( 'items' => (array) Jetpack_Media::get_revision_history( $media_item->ID ), 'original' => (object) Jetpack_Media::get_original_media( $media_item->ID ) ); } return $response; } }