'(safehtml) The plugin\'s ID', 'slug' => '(safehtml) The plugin\'s .org slug', 'active' => '(boolean) The plugin status.', 'update' => '(object) The plugin update info.', 'name' => '(safehtml) The name of the plugin.', 'plugin_url' => '(url) Link to the plugin\'s web site.', 'version' => '(safehtml) The plugin version number.', 'description' => '(safehtml) Description of what the plugin does and/or notes from the author', 'author' => '(safehtml) The author\'s name', 'author_url' => '(url) The authors web site address', 'network' => '(boolean) Whether the plugin can only be activated network wide.', 'autoupdate' => '(boolean) Whether the plugin is automatically updated', 'autoupdate_translation' => '(boolean) Whether the plugin is automatically updating translations', 'next_autoupdate' => '(string) Y-m-d H:i:s for next scheduled update event', 'log' => '(array:safehtml) An array of update log strings.', 'uninstallable' => '(boolean) Whether the plugin is unistallable.', 'action_links' => '(array) An array of action links that the plugin uses.', ); static $_response_format_v1_2 = array( 'slug' => '(safehtml) The plugin\'s .org slug', 'active' => '(boolean) The plugin status.', 'update' => '(object) The plugin update info.', 'name' => '(safehtml) The plugin\'s ID', 'display_name' => '(safehtml) The name of the plugin.', 'version' => '(safehtml) The plugin version number.', 'description' => '(safehtml) Description of what the plugin does and/or notes from the author', 'author' => '(safehtml) The author\'s name', 'author_url' => '(url) The authors web site address', 'plugin_url' => '(url) Link to the plugin\'s web site.', 'network' => '(boolean) Whether the plugin can only be activated network wide.', 'autoupdate' => '(boolean) Whether the plugin is automatically updated', 'autoupdate_translation' => '(boolean) Whether the plugin is automatically updating translations', 'uninstallable' => '(boolean) Whether the plugin is unistallable.', 'action_links' => '(array) An array of action links that the plugin uses.', 'log' => '(array:safehtml) An array of update log strings.', ); protected function result() { $plugins = $this->get_plugins(); if ( ! $this->bulk && ! empty( $plugins ) ) { return array_pop( $plugins ); } return array( 'plugins' => $plugins ); } protected function validate_input( $plugin ) { if ( is_wp_error( $error = parent::validate_input( $plugin ) ) ) { return $error; } if ( is_wp_error( $error = $this->validate_network_wide() ) ) { return $error; } $args = $this->input(); // find out what plugin, or plugins we are dealing with // validate the requested plugins if ( ! isset( $plugin ) || empty( $plugin ) ) { if ( ! $args['plugins'] || empty( $args['plugins'] ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'missing_plugin', __( 'You are required to specify a plugin.', 'jetpack' ), 400 ); } if ( is_array( $args['plugins'] ) ) { $this->plugins = $args['plugins']; } else { $this->plugins[] = $args['plugins']; } } else { $this->bulk = false; $this->plugins[] = urldecode( $plugin ); } if ( is_wp_error( $error = $this->validate_plugins() ) ) { return $error; }; return true; } /** * Walks through submitted plugins to make sure they are valid * @return bool|WP_Error */ protected function validate_plugins() { if ( empty( $this->plugins ) || ! is_array( $this->plugins ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'missing_plugins', __( 'No plugins found.', 'jetpack' )); } foreach( $this->plugins as $index => $plugin ) { if ( ! preg_match( "/\.php$/", $plugin ) ) { $plugin = $plugin . '.php'; $this->plugins[ $index ] = $plugin; } $valid = $this->validate_plugin( urldecode( $plugin ) ) ; if ( is_wp_error( $valid ) ) { return $valid; } } return true; } protected function format_plugin( $plugin_file, $plugin_data ) { if ( version_compare( $this->min_version, '1.2', '>=' ) ) { return $this->format_plugin_v1_2( $plugin_file, $plugin_data ); } $plugin = array(); $plugin['id'] = preg_replace("/(.+)\.php$/", "$1", $plugin_file ); $plugin['slug'] = Jetpack_Autoupdate::get_plugin_slug( $plugin_file ); $plugin['active'] = Jetpack::is_plugin_active( $plugin_file ); $plugin['name'] = $plugin_data['Name']; $plugin['plugin_url'] = $plugin_data['PluginURI']; $plugin['version'] = $plugin_data['Version']; $plugin['description'] = $plugin_data['Description']; $plugin['author'] = $plugin_data['Author']; $plugin['author_url'] = $plugin_data['AuthorURI']; $plugin['network'] = $plugin_data['Network']; $plugin['update'] = $this->get_plugin_updates( $plugin_file ); $plugin['next_autoupdate'] = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', wp_next_scheduled( 'wp_maybe_auto_update' ) ); $action_link = $this->get_plugin_action_links( $plugin_file ); if ( ! empty( $action_link ) ) { $plugin['action_links'] = $action_link; } $autoupdate = in_array( $plugin_file, Jetpack_Options::get_option( 'autoupdate_plugins', array() ) ); $plugin['autoupdate'] = $autoupdate; $autoupdate_translation = in_array( $plugin_file, Jetpack_Options::get_option( 'autoupdate_plugins_translations', array() ) ); $plugin['autoupdate_translation'] = $autoupdate || $autoupdate_translation || Jetpack_Options::get_option( 'autoupdate_translations', false ); $plugin['uninstallable'] = is_uninstallable_plugin( $plugin_file ); if ( ! empty ( $this->log[ $plugin_file ] ) ) { $plugin['log'] = $this->log[ $plugin_file ]; } return $plugin; } protected function format_plugin_v1_2( $plugin_file, $plugin_data ) { $plugin = array(); $plugin['slug'] = Jetpack_Autoupdate::get_plugin_slug( $plugin_file ); $plugin['active'] = Jetpack::is_plugin_active( $plugin_file ); $plugin['name'] = preg_replace("/(.+)\.php$/", "$1", $plugin_file ); $plugin['display_name'] = $plugin_data['Name']; $plugin['plugin_url'] = $plugin_data['PluginURI']; $plugin['version'] = $plugin_data['Version']; $plugin['description'] = $plugin_data['Description']; $plugin['author'] = $plugin_data['Author']; $plugin['author_url'] = $plugin_data['AuthorURI']; $plugin['network'] = $plugin_data['Network']; $plugin['update'] = $this->get_plugin_updates( $plugin_file ); $action_link = $this->get_plugin_action_links( $plugin_file ); if ( ! empty( $action_link ) ) { $plugin['action_links'] = $action_link; } $autoupdate = $this->plugin_has_autoupdates_enabled( $plugin_file ); $plugin['autoupdate'] = $autoupdate; $autoupdate_translation = $this->plugin_has_translations_autoupdates_enabled( $plugin_file ); $plugin['autoupdate_translation'] = $autoupdate || $autoupdate_translation || Jetpack_Options::get_option( 'autoupdate_translations', false ); $plugin['uninstallable'] = is_uninstallable_plugin( $plugin_file ); if ( ! empty ( $this->log[ $plugin_file ] ) ) { $plugin['log'] = $this->log[ $plugin_file ]; } return $plugin; } protected function plugin_has_autoupdates_enabled( $plugin_file ) { return (bool) in_array( $plugin_file, Jetpack_Options::get_option( 'autoupdate_plugins', array() ) ); } protected function plugin_has_translations_autoupdates_enabled( $plugin_file ) { return (bool) in_array( $plugin_file, Jetpack_Options::get_option( 'autoupdate_plugins_translations', array() ) ); } protected function get_file_mod_capabilities() { $reasons_can_not_autoupdate = array(); $reasons_can_not_modify_files = array(); $has_file_system_write_access = Jetpack_Sync_Functions::file_system_write_access(); if ( ! $has_file_system_write_access ) { $reasons_can_not_modify_files['has_no_file_system_write_access'] = __( 'The file permissions on this host prevent editing files.', 'jetpack' ); } $disallow_file_mods = Jetpack_Constants::get_constant('DISALLOW_FILE_MODS' ); if ( $disallow_file_mods ) { $reasons_can_not_modify_files['disallow_file_mods'] = __( 'File modifications are explicitly disabled by a site administrator.', 'jetpack' ); } $automatic_updater_disabled = Jetpack_Constants::get_constant( 'AUTOMATIC_UPDATER_DISABLED' ); if ( $automatic_updater_disabled ) { $reasons_can_not_autoupdate['automatic_updater_disabled'] = __( 'Any autoupdates are explicitly disabled by a site administrator.', 'jetpack' ); } if ( is_multisite() ) { // is it the main network ? is really is multi network if ( Jetpack::is_multi_network() ) { $reasons_can_not_modify_files['is_multi_network'] = __( 'Multi network install are not supported.', 'jetpack' ); } // Is the site the main site here. if ( ! is_main_site() ) { $reasons_can_not_modify_files['is_sub_site'] = __( 'The site is not the main network site', 'jetpack' ); } } $file_mod_capabilities = array( 'modify_files' => (bool) empty( $reasons_can_not_modify_files ), // install, remove, update 'autoupdate_files' => (bool) empty( $reasons_can_not_modify_files ) && empty( $reasons_can_not_autoupdate ), // enable autoupdates ); if ( ! empty( $reasons_can_not_modify_files ) ) { $file_mod_capabilities['reasons_modify_files_unavailable'] = $reasons_can_not_modify_files; } if ( ! $file_mod_capabilities['autoupdate_files'] ) { $file_mod_capabilities['reasons_autoupdate_unavailable'] = array_merge( $reasons_can_not_autoupdate, $reasons_can_not_modify_files ); } return $file_mod_capabilities; } protected function get_plugins() { $plugins = array(); /** This filter is documented in wp-admin/includes/class-wp-plugins-list-table.php */ $installed_plugins = apply_filters( 'all_plugins', get_plugins() ); foreach( $this->plugins as $plugin ) { if ( ! isset( $installed_plugins[ $plugin ] ) ) continue; $plugins[] = $this->format_plugin( $plugin, $installed_plugins[ $plugin ] ); } $args = $this->query_args(); if ( isset( $args['offset'] ) ) { $plugins = array_slice( $plugins, (int) $args['offset'] ); } if ( isset( $args['limit'] ) ) { $plugins = array_slice( $plugins, 0, (int) $args['limit'] ); } return $plugins; } protected function validate_network_wide() { $args = $this->input(); if ( isset( $args['network_wide'] ) && $args['network_wide'] ) { $this->network_wide = true; } if ( $this->network_wide && ! current_user_can( 'manage_network_plugins' ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'unauthorized', __( 'This user is not authorized to manage plugins network wide.', 'jetpack' ), 403 ); } return true; } protected function validate_plugin( $plugin ) { if ( ! isset( $plugin) || empty( $plugin ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'missing_plugin', __( 'You are required to specify a plugin to activate.', 'jetpack' ), 400 ); } if ( is_wp_error( $error = validate_plugin( $plugin ) ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'unknown_plugin', $error->get_error_messages() , 404 ); } return true; } protected function get_plugin_updates( $plugin_file ) { $plugin_updates = get_plugin_updates(); if ( isset( $plugin_updates[ $plugin_file ] ) ) { $update = $plugin_updates[ $plugin_file ]->update; $cleaned_update = array(); foreach( (array) $update as $update_key => $update_value ) { switch ( $update_key ) { case 'id': case 'slug': case 'plugin': case 'new_version': case 'tested': $cleaned_update[ $update_key ] = wp_kses( $update_value, array() ); break; case 'url': case 'package': $cleaned_update[ $update_key ] = esc_url( $update_value ); break; } } return (object) $cleaned_update; } return null; } protected function get_plugin_action_links( $plugin_file ) { require_once JETPACK__PLUGIN_DIR . 'sync/class.jetpack-sync-functions.php'; return Jetpack_Sync_Functions::get_plugins_action_links( $plugin_file ); } }