'jetpack', 'action' => 'activate', 'module' => 'manage', ) ), 'jetpack_activate-manage' ); $section = isset( $_GET['section'] ) ? $_GET['section'] : null; switch( $section ) { case 'plugins': $description = __( 'Just one more step before your plugins can be managed with WordPress.com. Click the button below and you\'ll be managing all of your plugins in one place.', 'jetpack' ); break; case 'themes': $description = __( 'Just one more step before your themes can be managed with WordPress.com. Click the button below and you\'ll be managing your themes with our newly-redesigned user interface.', 'jetpack' ); break; case 'security-settings': $description = __( 'Just one more step before your site can be secured by Jetpack and WordPress.com. Click the button below and you\'ll be safe and secure.', 'jetpack' ); break; case 'menus': $description = __( 'Just one more step before your menus can be managed with WordPress.com. Click the button below and you\'ll be managing your menus with our newly-redesigned user interface.', 'jetpack' ); break; default: $description = __( 'Just one more step before you can manage your site from WordPress.com! Click the button below and you will be good to go.', 'jetpack' ); break; } ?>