# Translation of Plugins - List category posts - Stable (latest release) in German # This file is distributed under the same license as the Plugins - List category posts - Stable (latest release) package. msgid "" msgstr "" "PO-Revision-Date: 2017-11-20 08:24:26+0000\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=n != 1;\n" "X-Generator: GlotPress/2.4.0-alpha\n" "Language: de\n" "Project-Id-Version: Plugins - List category posts - Stable (latest release)\n" #: include/lcp-widget-form.php:250 msgid "Yes" msgstr "Ja" #: include/lcp-widget-form.php:247 msgid "No" msgstr "Nein" #: include/lcp-widget-form.php:242 msgid "Tags as class" msgstr "Schlagwörter als Klasse" #: include/lcp-options.php:62 include/lcp-widget-form.php:188 msgid "Pagination" msgstr "Seitennummerierung" #: include/lcp-options.php:29 msgid "These are general default options for List Category Posts. The idea in general will be that you can override them using the corresponding parameters in your shortcodes." msgstr "Dies sind die Standard-Einstellungen für List Category Posts. Die Idee ist, dass du diese überschreiben kannst, indem du die entsprechenden Parameter in deinen Shortcodes setzt." #. Author URI of the plugin/theme msgid "http://fernandobriano.com" msgstr "http://fernandobriano.com" #. Author of the plugin/theme msgid "Fernando Briano" msgstr "Fernando Briano" #. Description of the plugin/theme msgid "List Category Posts allows you to list posts by category in a post/page using the [catlist] shortcode. This shortcode accepts a category name or id, the order in which you want the posts to display, the number of posts to display and many more parameters. You can use [catlist] as many times as needed with different arguments. Usage: [catlist argument1=value1 argument2=value2]." msgstr "Mit List Category Posts kannst du Beiträge einer bestimmten Kategorie in einer Seite oder einem Beitrag auflisten, indem du den Shortcode [catlist] verwendest. Dieser Shortcode akzeptiert Kategorie-Namen und -ID, die Reihenfolge, in der die Beiträge angezeigt werden sollen, die gewünschte Anzahl der Beiträge und viele weitere Parameter. Du kannst [catlist] mit verschiedenen Parametern so oft verwenden wie benötigt. Verwendung: [catlist argument1=value1 argument2=value2]." #. Plugin URI of the plugin/theme msgid "https://github.com/picandocodigo/List-Category-Posts" msgstr "https://github.com/picandocodigo/List-Category-Posts" #. Plugin Name of the plugin/theme msgid "List category posts" msgstr "List category posts" #: list-category-posts.php:170 msgid "Fork on Github" msgstr "Einen Fork auf Github erstellen" #: list-category-posts.php:169 msgid "Donate" msgstr "Spenden" #: list-category-posts.php:168 msgid "How to use" msgstr "Anleitung" #: include/lcp-widget.php:12 msgid "List Category Posts" msgstr "List Category Posts" #: include/lcp-widget.php:11 msgid "List posts from a specified category" msgstr "Liste Artikel einer bestimmten Kategorie auf" #: include/lcp-widget-form.php:257 msgid "Template" msgstr "Vorlage" #: include/lcp-widget-form.php:233 msgid "More link" msgstr "Weiterlesen-Link" #: include/lcp-widget-form.php:224 msgid "Excerpt size" msgstr "Länge des Auszugs" #: include/lcp-widget-form.php:220 msgid "Excerpt" msgstr "Auszug" #: include/lcp-widget-form.php:214 msgid "Link to category (use 'catlink' on the title field if you want the title of this widget to be a link to the category)" msgstr "Link auf die Kategorie (benutze 'catlink' im Titel-Feld, wenn die Überschrift des Widgets als Link auf die Kategorie dargestellt werden soll)" #: include/lcp-widget-form.php:173 msgid "Thumbnail - size" msgstr "Größe der Miniaturbilder" #: include/lcp-widget-form.php:171 msgid "Show" msgstr "Anzeigen" #: include/lcp-widget-form.php:161 msgid "Exclude posts (id's)" msgstr "Artikel ausschließen (IDs)" #: include/lcp-widget-form.php:151 msgid "Exclude categories (id's)" msgstr "Kategorien ausschließen (IDs)" #: include/lcp-options.php:111 include/lcp-widget-form.php:144 msgid "Ascending" msgstr "Aufsteigend" #: include/lcp-options.php:108 include/lcp-widget-form.php:141 msgid "Descending" msgstr "Absteigend" #: include/lcp-options.php:101 include/lcp-widget-form.php:135 msgid "Order" msgstr "Sortierung" #: include/lcp-utils.php:25 msgid "Random" msgstr "Zufällig" #: include/lcp-utils.php:24 include/lcp-widget-form.php:208 msgid "Author" msgstr "Autor" #: include/lcp-utils.php:23 msgid "Post title" msgstr "Beitragstitel" #: include/lcp-utils.php:22 include/lcp-widget-form.php:202 msgid "Modified Date" msgstr "Änderungsdatum" #: include/lcp-utils.php:21 include/lcp-widget-form.php:195 msgid "Date" msgstr "Datum" #: include/lcp-options.php:76 include/lcp-widget-form.php:114 msgid "Order by" msgstr "Sortieren nach" #: include/lcp-widget-form.php:105 msgid "Offset" msgstr "Offset" #: include/lcp-widget-form.php:95 msgid "Number of posts" msgstr "Anzahl der Beiträge" #: include/lcp-widget-form.php:66 msgid "Category" msgstr "Kategorie" #: include/lcp-widget-form.php:56 msgid "Title" msgstr "Titel" #: include/lcp-options.php:142 msgid "" "If you've found the plugin useful, consider making\n" " a donation via PayPal\n" " or visit my Amazon Wishlist\n" " for books\n" " or comic books :)." msgstr "Wenn du das Plugin nützlich findest, denke über eine Spende via PayPal nach oder besuche meine Amazon-Wunschlisten für Bücher oder Comics :)." #: include/lcp-options.php:134 msgid "" "Please post new feature requests, Bug fixes,\n" " enhancements\n" " to GitHub\n" " Issues and check out the\n" " the GitHub\n" " repo if you want to contribute code." msgstr "Bitte poste Anfragen nach neuen Funktionen, Fehlerbehebungen, Verbesserungen bei GitHub und schau ins GitHub-Repo, wenn du Code beisteuern möchtest." #: include/lcp-options.php:123 msgid "" "If you need help with the plugin, please visit\n" " the WordPress\n" " support forum. Make sure\n" " you read\n" " the instructions to be aware of all the things you can do\n" " with List Category Posts and check out the FAQ." msgstr "Wenn du Hilfe zu diesem Plugin benötigst, besuche das WordPress-Supportforum. Lies auch diese Anleitung, um zu erfahren, was du alles mit List Category Posts machen kannst. Außerdem kannst du die FAQ lesen." #: include/lcp-options.php:122 msgid "Thanks for using List Category Posts." msgstr "Danke, dass du List Category Posts benutzt." #: include/lcp-options.php:53 msgid "-1 - displays ALL THE POSTS (no limit)" msgstr "-1 - zeigt ALLE POSTS an (ohne Begrenzung)" #: include/lcp-options.php:52 msgid "0 - displays the max number of posts per page" msgstr "0 - zeigt die maximale Anzahl an Beiträgen pro Seite an" #: include/lcp-options.php:50 msgid "Default number of posts (overriden using numberposts parameter on each shortcode)." msgstr "Standard-Anzahl an Beiträgen (kann in jedem Shortcode überschrieben werden – mit Hilfe des Parameters numberposts)." #: include/lcp-options.php:42 msgid "Number of Posts" msgstr "Anzahl der Beiträge: " #: include/lcp-options.php:23 msgid "You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page." msgstr "Du hast nicht die erforderlichen Rechte, um auf diese Seite zuzugreifen." #: include/lcp-catlist.php:348 msgid "Continue reading →" msgstr "Weiterlesen →" #: include/lcp-category.php:63 msgid "Empty Term." msgstr "Keine Bezeichnung"