params = $atts; $this->utils = new LcpUtils($this->params); if ( $this->utils->lcp_not_empty('instance') ){ $this->instance = $atts['instance']; } } /** * Determine the categories of posts and execute the WP_query */ public function get_posts() { $this->get_lcp_category(); $this->set_lcp_parameters(); } /** * Save the existing wp_query */ public function save_wp_query() { global $wp_query; if ( isset($wp_query) ) { $this->saved_wp_query = clone $wp_query; } } /** * Restore the previous wp_query */ public function restore_wp_query() { global $wp_query; if ( isset($this->saved_wp_query) ) { $wp_query = clone $this->saved_wp_query; } } /** * Order the parameters and query the DB for posts */ private function set_lcp_parameters(){ $args = $this->lcp_categories(); $processed_params = LcpParameters::get_instance()->get_query_params($this->params); $args = array_merge($args, $processed_params); $args = $this->check_pagination($args); // for WP_Query compatibility // $args['posts_per_page'] = $args['numberposts']; query_posts($args); global $wp_query; $this->posts_count = $wp_query->found_posts; remove_all_filters('posts_orderby'); remove_filter('posts_where', array( $this, 'starting_with')); } /* Should I return posts or show that the tag/category or whatever posts combination that I called has no posts? By default I've always returned the latest posts because that's what the query does when the params are "wrong". But could make for a better user experience if I returned an empty list in certain cases. private function lcp_should_return_posts() */ /** HELPER FUNCTIONS **/ private function check_pagination($args){ if ( LcpUtils::lcp_show_pagination($this->params['pagination']) ){ if( array_key_exists('QUERY_STRING', $_SERVER) && null !== $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] ){ $query = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; if ($query !== '' && preg_match('/lcp_page' . preg_quote($this->instance) . '=([0-9]+)/i', $query, $match) ) { $this->page = $match[1]; $offset = ($this->page - 1) * $this->params['numberposts']; $args = array_merge($args, array('offset' => $offset)); } } } return $args; } /** * Check if there's one or more categories. * Used in the beginning when setting up the parameters. */ private function lcp_categories(){ if ( is_array($this->lcp_category_id) ){ return array('category__and' => $this->lcp_category_id); } else { if($this->utils->lcp_not_empty('child_categories') && (($this->params['child_categories'] === 'no' ) || ($this->params['child_categories'] === 'false') )){ return array('category__in'=> $this->lcp_category_id); } return array('cat'=> $this->lcp_category_id); } } private function get_lcp_category(){ // In a category page: if ( $this->utils->lcp_not_empty('categorypage') && $this->params['categorypage'] == 'yes' || $this->params['id'] == -1){ // Use current category $this->lcp_category_id = LcpCategory::get_instance()->current_category(); } elseif ( $this->utils->lcp_not_empty('name') ){ // Using the category name: $this->lcp_category_id = LcpCategory::get_instance()->with_name( $this->params['name'] ); $this->params['name'] = null; } elseif ( isset($this->params['id']) && $this->params['id'] != '0' ){ // Using the id: $this->lcp_category_id = LcpCategory::get_instance()->with_id( $this->params['id'] ); } } public function get_category_id(){ return $this->lcp_category_id; } public function get_categories_posts(){ global $wp_query; return $wp_query->get_posts(); } /** * Load category name and link to the category: */ public function get_category_link(){ if(($this->utils->lcp_not_empty('catlink') && $this->params['catlink'] == 'yes' || $this->utils->lcp_not_empty('catname') && $this->params['catname'] == 'yes') && $this->lcp_category_id != 0){ // Check for one id or several: $ids = null; if (is_array($this->lcp_category_id)){ $ids = $this->lcp_category_id; } else{ $ids = explode(",", $this->lcp_category_id); } $link = array(); // Loop on several categories: foreach($ids as $lcp_id){ $cat_link = get_category_link($lcp_id); $cat_title = get_cat_name($lcp_id); // Use the category title or 'catlink_string' set by user: if ($this->utils->lcp_not_empty('catlink_string')){ $cat_string = $this->params['catlink_string']; } else { $cat_string = $cat_title; } // Do we want the link or just the title? if ($this->params['catlink'] == 'yes'){ $cat_string = '' . $cat_string . $this->get_category_count() . ''; } array_push($link, $cat_string); } return implode(", ", $link); } else { return null; } } /** * Load morelink name and link to the category: */ public function get_morelink(){ if (!empty($this->params['morelink'])) : $href = 'href="' . get_category_link($this->lcp_category_id) . '"'; $readmore = ($this->params['morelink'] !== '' ? $this->params['morelink'] : 'More posts'); return '' . $readmore . ''; else: return null; endif; } public function get_category_count(){ if($this->utils->lcp_not_empty('category_count') && $this->params['category_count'] == 'yes'): return ' ' . get_category($this->lcp_category_id)->category_count; endif; } public function get_category_description(){ if ($this->utils->lcp_not_empty('category_description') && $this->params['category_description'] == 'yes'){ return '

' . category_description( $this->lcp_category_id) . '

'; } } public function get_conditional_title(){ if($this->utils->lcp_not_empty('conditional_title') && $this->get_posts_count() > 0): return trim($this->params['conditional_title']); endif; } /** * Array of custom fields. * @see * @param string $custom_key * @param int $post_id */ public function get_custom_fields($custom_key, $post_id){ if ( $this->utils->lcp_not_empty( 'customfield_display' ) ) : $lcp_customs = array(); //Doesn't work for many custom fields when having spaces: $custom_key = trim( $custom_key ); //Create array for many fields: $custom_array = explode( ',', $custom_key ); //Get post custom fields: $custom_fields = get_post_custom( $post_id ); //Loop on custom fields and if there's a value, add it: foreach ( $custom_array as $user_customfield ) : // Check that the custom field is wanted: if ( isset( $custom_fields[$user_customfield] ) ) : //Browse through the custom field values: foreach ( $custom_fields[$user_customfield] as $key => $value ) : if ( $this->params['customfield_display_name'] != 'no' ) $value = $user_customfield . $this->params['customfield_display_name_glue'] . $value; $lcp_customs[] = $value; endforeach; endif; endforeach; return $lcp_customs; else: return null; endif; } public function get_comments_count($single){ if (isset($this->params['comments']) && $this->params['comments'] == 'yes'): return ' (' . $single->comment_count . ')'; else: return null; endif; } public function get_author_to_show($single){ if ($this->params['author'] == 'yes'): $lcp_userdata = get_userdata($single->post_author); $author_name = $lcp_userdata->display_name; if($this->utils->lcp_not_empty('author_posts_link') && $this->params['author_posts_link'] == 'yes'){ $link = get_author_posts_url($lcp_userdata->ID); return "" . $author_name . ""; } else { return $author_name; } else: return null; endif; } /** Pagination **/ public function get_page(){ return $this->page; } public function get_posts_count(){ return $this->posts_count; } public function get_number_posts(){ return $this->params['numberposts']; } public function get_instance(){ return $this->instance; } public function get_date_to_show($single){ if ($this->params['date'] == 'yes'): //by Verex, great idea! return get_the_time($this->params['dateformat'], $single); else: return null; endif; } public function get_modified_date_to_show($single){ if ($this->params['date_modified'] == 'yes'): return get_the_modified_time($this->params['dateformat'], $single); else: return null; endif; } public function get_content($single){ if (isset($this->params['content']) && ($this->params['content'] =='yes' || $this->params['content'] == 'full') && $single->post_content){ // get_extended - get content split by $lcp_extended = get_extended($single->post_content); $lcp_content = $lcp_extended['main']; $lcp_content = apply_filters('the_content', $lcp_content); $lcp_content = str_replace(']]>', ']]>', $lcp_content); if ($this->params['content'] == 'full') { $lcp_extended_content = str_replace(']]>', ']]>', apply_filters('the_content', $lcp_extended['extended']) ); $lcp_content .= $lcp_extended_content; } else { if( empty($this->params['posts_morelink']) ){ $lcp_more = __('Continue reading →', 'list-category-posts'); $lcp_content .= ' ' . $lcp_more . ''; } } return $lcp_content; }else { return null; } } public function get_excerpt($single){ if ( !empty( $this->params['excerpt'] ) && ( $this->params['excerpt']=='yes' || $this->params['excerpt']=='full') ){ if( $single->post_excerpt == "" || ( !empty($this->params['excerpt_overwrite']) && $this->params['excerpt_overwrite'] == 'yes' ) ){ // No explicit excerpt or excerpt_overwrite=yes, so generate from content: $lcp_content = $single->post_content; // tag? if( $this->params['excerpt']=='full' && preg_match('/[\S\s]+()[\S\s]+/', $lcp_content, $matches) ) { $lcp_excerpt = explode($matches[1], $lcp_content); $lcp_excerpt = $lcp_excerpt[0]; }else{ $lcp_excerpt = $this->lcp_trim_excerpt($lcp_content); } }else{ // Explicit excerpt and excerpt_overwrite=no: if( $this->params['excerpt']=='full' ){ $lcp_excerpt = $single->post_excerpt; } else { $lcp_excerpt = $this->lcp_trim_excerpt($single->post_excerpt); } } if( strlen($lcp_excerpt) < 1 ){ $lcp_excerpt = $single->post_title; } return $lcp_excerpt; } } private function lcp_trim_excerpt($text = ''){ $excerpt_length = intval( $this->params['excerpt_size'] ); $text = strip_shortcodes($text); $text = apply_filters('the_excerpt', $text); $text = str_replace(']]>',']]>', $text); if( $this->utils->lcp_not_empty('excerpt_strip') && $this->params['excerpt_strip'] == 'yes' ){ $text = strip_tags($text); } $words = explode(' ', $text, $excerpt_length + 1); if(count($words) > $excerpt_length){ array_pop($words); array_push($words, '...'); $text = implode(' ', $words); } return $text; } public function get_thumbnail($single, $lcp_thumb_class = null){ if ($this->utils->lcp_not_empty('force_thumbnail')){ $force_thumbnail = $this->params['force_thumbnail']; } else { $force_thumbnail = 'no'; } return LcpThumbnail::get_instance()->get_thumbnail( $single, $this->params['thumbnail'], $this->params['thumbnail_size'], $force_thumbnail, $lcp_thumb_class); } public function get_pagination(){ $paginator_params = array( 'instance' => $this->get_instance(), 'next' => $this->params['pagination_next'], 'numberposts' => $this->get_number_posts(), 'page' => $this->get_page(), 'pagination' => $this->params['pagination'], 'posts_count' => $this->get_posts_count(), 'previous' => $this->params['pagination_prev'] ); return LcpPaginator::get_instance()->get_pagination($paginator_params); } }