params = $params; $meta_query = array(); # Essential parameters: $args = array( 'numberposts' => $params['numberposts'], 'orderby' => $params['orderby'], 'order' => $params['order'], 'offset' => $params['offset'] ); if( get_option('lcp_orderby') && $params['orderby'] === ''){ $orderby = array('orderby' => get_option('lcp_orderby')); $args = array_merge($args, $orderby); } if( get_option('lcp_order') && $params['order'] === ''){ $order = array('order' => get_option('lcp_order')); $args = array_merge($args, $order); } $this->utils = new LcpUtils($params); // Check posts to exclude $args = $this->lcp_check_excludes($args); // Check type, status, parent params $args = $this->lcp_types_and_statuses($args); if($this->utils->lcp_not_empty('search')): $args['s'] = $params['search']; endif; if($this->utils->lcp_not_empty('author_posts')): $args['author_name'] = $params['author_posts']; endif; // Parameters which need to be checked simply, if they exist, add them to // final return array ($args) $args = $this->lcp_check_basic_params($args); // Posts within given date range: if ( $this->utils->lcp_not_empty('after') ) { $this->after = $params['after']; $date_query = true; } if ( $this->utils->lcp_not_empty('after_year') ) { $this->after_year = $params['after_year']; $date_query = true; } if ( $this->utils->lcp_not_empty('after_month') ) { // after_month should be in the range [1, 12] if ($params['after_month'] >= 1 && $params['after_month'] <= 12) { $this->after_month = $params['after_month']; $date_query = true; } } if ( $this->utils->lcp_not_empty('after_day') ) { // after_day should be in the range [1, 31] if ($params['after_day'] >= 1 && $params['after_day'] <= 31) { $this->after_day = $params['after_day']; $date_query = true; } } if ( $this->utils->lcp_not_empty('before') ) { $this->before = $params['before']; $date_query = true; } if ( $this->utils->lcp_not_empty('before_year') ) { $this->before_year = $params['before_year']; $date_query = true; } if ( $this->utils->lcp_not_empty('before_month') ) { // before_month should be in the range [1, 12] if ($params['before_month'] >= 1 && $params['before_month'] <= 12) { $this->before_month = $params['before_month']; $date_query = true; } } if ( $this->utils->lcp_not_empty('before_day') ) { // before_day should be in the range [1, 31] if ($params['before_day'] >= 1 && $params['before_day'] <= 31) { $this->before_day = $params['before_day']; $date_query = true; } } // Only generate date_query args if a before/after paramater was found if (isset($date_query) ){ $args['date_query'] = $this->create_date_query_args(); } /* * Custom fields 'customfield_name' & 'customfield_value' * should both be defined */ if( $this->utils->lcp_not_empty('customfield_name') ){ $meta_query['select_clause'] = array( 'key' => $params['customfield_name'], 'value' => $params['customfield_value'] ); } //Get private posts if( is_user_logged_in() ){ if ( !empty($args['post_status']) ){ $args['post_status'] = array_merge($args['post_status'], array('private')); } else{ $args['post_status'] = array('private', 'publish'); } } if ( $this->utils->lcp_not_empty('exclude_tags') ){ $args = $this->lcp_excluded_tags($params); } // Current tags if ( $this->utils->lcp_not_empty('currenttags') && $params['currenttags'] == "yes" ){ $tags = $this->lcp_get_current_tags(); if ( !empty($tags) ){ $args['tag__in'] = $tags; } } // Custom taxonomy support // Why didn't I document this?!? if ( $this->utils->lcp_not_empty('taxonomy') && $this->utils->lcp_not_empty('terms') ){ if ( strpos($params['terms'],'+') !== false ) { $terms = explode("+",$params['terms']); $operator = 'AND'; } else { $terms = explode(",",$params['terms']); $operator = 'IN'; } $args['tax_query'] = array(array( 'taxonomy' => $params['taxonomy'], 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => $terms, 'operator' => $operator )); } // Multiple taxonomies support $args = $this->lcp_taxonomies($args); // Tag support if ( $this->utils->lcp_not_empty('tags') ) { $args['tag'] = $params['tags']; } if ( !empty($params['exclude'])){ $args['category__not_in'] = array($params['exclude']); } if ( $this->utils->lcp_not_empty('customfield_orderby') ){ $meta_query['orderby_clause'] = array( 'key' => $params['customfield_orderby'], 'compare' => 'EXISTS', ); $args['orderby'] = 'orderby_clause'; } // If either select_clause or orderby_clause were added to $meta_query, // it needs to be added to args. if ( !empty($meta_query) ) { $args['meta_query'] = $meta_query; } // Posts that start with a given letter: if ( $this->utils->lcp_not_empty('starting_with') ){ $this->starting_with = $params['starting_with']; add_filter('posts_where' , array( $this, 'starting_with') ); } return $args; } private function lcp_check_basic_params($args){ $simple_args = array('year', 'monthnum', 'after'); foreach($simple_args as $key){ if($this->utils->lcp_not_empty($key)){ $args[$key] = $this->params[$key]; } } return $args; } // Check posts to exclude private function lcp_check_excludes($args){ if( $this->utils->lcp_not_empty('excludeposts') ){ $exclude = array( 'post__not_in' => explode(",", $this->params['excludeposts']) ); if (strpos($this->params['excludeposts'], 'this') > -1){ $exclude = array_merge( $exclude, array('post__not_in' => array($this->lcp_get_current_post_id() ) ) ); } $args = array_merge($args, $exclude); } return $args; } private function lcp_taxonomies($args){ // Multiple taxonomies support in the form // taxonomies_or="tax1:{term1_1,term1_2};tax2:{term2_1,term2_2,term2_3}" // taxonomies_and="tax1:{term1_1,term1_2};tax2:{term2_1,term2_2,term2_3}" if ( $this->utils->lcp_not_empty('taxonomies_or') || $this->utils->lcp_not_empty('taxonomies_and') ) { if($this->utils->lcp_not_empty('taxonomies_or')) { $operator = "OR"; $taxonomies = $this->params['taxonomies_or']; } else { $operator = "AND"; $taxonomies = $this->params['taxonomies_and']; } $count = preg_match_all('/([^:]+):\{([^:]+)\}(?:;|$)/im', $taxonomies, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER, 0); if($count > 0) { $tax_arr = array('relation' => $operator); foreach ($matches as $match) { $tax_term = array( 'taxonomy' => $match[1], 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => explode(",",$match[2]) ); array_push($tax_arr, $tax_term); } $args['tax_query'] = $tax_arr; } } return $args; } private function lcp_types_and_statuses($args){ // Post type, status, parent params: if($this->utils->lcp_not_empty('post_type')): $args['post_type'] = explode( ',', $this->params['post_type'] ); endif; if($this->utils->lcp_not_empty('post_status')): $args['post_status'] = explode( ',', $this->params['post_status'] ); endif; if($this->utils->lcp_not_empty('post_parent')): $args['post_parent'] = $this->params['post_parent']; endif; return $args; } private function lcp_excluded_tags($args){ $excluded_tags = explode(",", $args['exclude_tags']); $tag_ids = array(); foreach ( $excluded_tags as $excluded){ $tag_ids[] = get_term_by('slug', $excluded, 'post_tag')->term_id; } $args['tag__not_in'] = $tag_ids; return $args; } private function lcp_get_current_tags(){ $tags = get_the_tags(); $tag_ids = array(); if( !empty($tags) ){ foreach ($tags as $tag) { array_push($tag_ids, $tag->term_id); } } return $tag_ids; } public function starting_with($where){ $letters = explode(',', $this->starting_with); // Support for both utf8 and utf8mb4 global $wpdb; $wp_posts_prefix = $wpdb->prefix . 'posts'; $charset = $wpdb->get_col_charset($wp_posts_prefix, 'post_title'); $where .= 'AND (' . $wp_posts_prefix . '.post_title ' . 'COLLATE ' . strtoupper($charset) . '_GENERAL_CI LIKE \'' . $letters[0] . "%'"; for ($i=1; $i ID; } /* * Create date_query args according to * There's probably a better way to check if values exist. * Code should be cleaned up (this is first attempt at a solution). */ private function create_date_query_args() { $date_query = array(); // Keep track of parameters that are set to build the argument array. $params_set = array( 'after' => false, 'after_year' => false, 'after_month' => false, 'after_day' => false, 'before' => false, 'before_year' => false, 'before_month' => false, 'before_day' => false, ); // Booleans to track which subarrays should be created. $after = false; $before = false; /* * Check which paramaters are set and find out which subarrays * should be created. */ foreach ($params_set as $key=>$value){ if ( property_exists($this, $key) ){ $params_set[$key] = true; $trutify = explode('_', $key); $trutify = $trutify[0]; ${$trutify} = true; } } /* * Build the subarrays. * The after parameter takes priority over after_* parameters. * Similarly, the before parameter takes priority over before_* parameters. */ $time_periods = array('before', 'after'); foreach ($time_periods as $period){ if (${$period}){ if ($params_set[$period]) { $date_query[$period] = $this->$period; } else { if ( $params_set[$period . '_year'] ) $date_query[$period]['year'] = $this->{$period . '_year'}; if ( $params_set[$period . '_month'] ) $date_query[$period]['month'] = $this->{$period . '_month'}; if ( $params_set[$period . '_day'] ) $date_query[$period]['day'] = $this->{$period . '_day'}; } } } return $date_query; } }