true ), 'object' ) as $taxo ) { if ( empty( $taxo->labels->name ) ) { continue; } echo ''; } ?> true ), 'object' ) as $taxo ) { if ( empty( $taxo->labels->name ) ) { continue; } echo ''; } ?> show_ui || empty( $post_type->labels->name ) ) { continue; } // Get compatible taxo for current post type $compatible_taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies( $post_type->name ); if ( empty( $compatible_taxonomies ) ) { continue; } $i ++; $class = ( $class == 'alternate' ) ? '' : 'alternate'; ?> true ), 'object' ) as $line_taxo ) { if ( empty( $line_taxo->labels->name ) ) { continue; } echo '' . "\n"; } ?>
' . esc_html( $taxo->labels->name ) . '
' . esc_html( $taxo->labels->name ) . '
labels->name ); ?> ' . "\n"; if ( in_array( $line_taxo->name, $compatible_taxonomies ) ) { if ( isset( $options[ $post_type->name ][ $line_taxo->name ] ) && isset( $options[ $post_type->name ][ $line_taxo->name ]['use_auto_terms'] ) && $options[ $post_type->name ][ $line_taxo->name ]['use_auto_terms'] == '1' ) { echo '' . __( 'Context configured & actived.', 'simpletags' ) . '' . "\n"; } else { echo '' . __( 'Context unconfigured.', 'simpletags' ) . '' . "\n"; } } else { echo '-' . "\n"; } echo '

' . SimpleTags_Admin::$post_type_name . '', '' . SimpleTags_Admin::$taxo_name . '' ); ?>


get_results( $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT ID, post_title, post_content FROM {$wpdb->posts} WHERE post_type = %s AND post_status = 'publish' ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT %d, 20", SimpleTags_Admin::$post_type, $n ) ); if ( ! empty( $objects ) ) { echo ''; ?>

' . sprintf( __( 'All done! %s terms added.', 'simpletags' ), $counter ) . '

'; } } endif; ?>

plugin\'s homepage for further details. If you find a bug, or have a fantastic idea for this plugin, ask me !', 'simpletags' ); ?>