name; self::$post_type_name = $cpt->labels->name; } // Get compatible taxo for current post type $compatible_taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies( self::$post_type ); // Custom taxo ? if ( isset( $_GET['taxo'] ) && ! empty( $_GET['taxo'] ) && taxonomy_exists( $_GET['taxo'] ) ) { $taxo = get_taxonomy( $_GET['taxo'] ); // Taxo is compatible ? if ( in_array( $taxo->name, $compatible_taxonomies ) ) { self::$taxonomy = $taxo->name; self::$taxo_name = $taxo->labels->name; } else { unset( $taxo ); } } // Default taxo from CPT... if ( ! isset( $taxo ) && is_array( $compatible_taxonomies ) && ! empty( $compatible_taxonomies ) ) { // Take post_tag before category if ( in_array( 'post_tag', $compatible_taxonomies ) ) { $taxo = get_taxonomy( 'post_tag' ); } else { $taxo = get_taxonomy( current( $compatible_taxonomies ) ); } self::$taxonomy = $taxo->name; self::$taxo_name = $taxo->labels->name; // TODO: Redirect for help user that see the URL... } elseif ( ! isset( $taxo ) ) { wp_die( __( 'This custom post type not have taxonomies.', 'simpletags' ) ); } // Free memory unset( $cpt, $taxo ); } /** * Build HTML form for allow user to change taxonomy for the current page. * * @param string $page_value * * @return void * @author Amaury Balmer */ public static function boxSelectorTaxonomy( $page_value = '' ) { echo '
' . PHP_EOL; echo '

' . sprintf( __( 'You currently use the custom post type "%s" and the taxonomy "%s"', 'simpletags' ), self::$post_type_name, self::$taxo_name ) . '

' . PHP_EOL; echo '
' . PHP_EOL; echo '
' . PHP_EOL; if ( ! empty( $page_value ) ) { echo '' . PHP_EOL; } echo '' . PHP_EOL; echo '' . PHP_EOL; echo '' . PHP_EOL; echo '
' . PHP_EOL; echo '
' . PHP_EOL; echo '
' . PHP_EOL; } /** * Init somes JS and CSS need for simple tags. * * @return void * @author Amaury Balmer */ public static function admin_enqueue_scripts() { global $pagenow; // Helper simple tags wp_register_script( 'st-helper-add-tags', STAGS_URL . '/assets/js/helper-add-tags.js', array( 'jquery' ), STAGS_VERSION ); wp_register_script( 'st-helper-options', STAGS_URL . '/assets/js/helper-options.js', array( 'jquery' ), STAGS_VERSION ); // Register CSS wp_register_style( 'st-admin', STAGS_URL . '/assets/css/admin.css', array(), STAGS_VERSION, 'all' ); // Register location $wp_post_pages = array( 'post.php', 'post-new.php' ); $wp_page_pages = array( 'page.php', 'page-new.php' ); // Common Helper for Post, Page and Plugin Page if ( in_array( $pagenow, $wp_post_pages ) || ( in_array( $pagenow, $wp_page_pages ) && is_page_have_tags() ) || ( isset( $_GET['page'] ) && in_array( $_GET['page'], array( 'st_mass_terms', 'st_auto', 'st_options', 'st_manage' ) ) ) ) { wp_enqueue_style( 'st-admin' ); } // add jQuery tabs for options page. Use jQuery UI Tabs from WP if ( isset( $_GET['page'] ) && $_GET['page'] == 'st_options' ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'jquery-ui-tabs' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'st-helper-options' ); } } /** * Add settings page on WordPress admin menu * * @return void * @author Amaury Balmer */ public static function admin_menu() { add_options_page( __( 'Simple Tags: Options', 'simpletags' ), __( 'Simple Tags', 'simpletags' ), 'admin_simple_tags', self::menu_slug, array( __CLASS__, 'page_options', ) ); self::$admin_url = admin_url( '/options-general.php?page=' . self::menu_slug ); } /** * Build HTML for page options, manage also save/reset settings * * @return void * @author Amaury Balmer */ public static function page_options() { // Get options $options = SimpleTags_Plugin::get_option(); // Update or reset options if ( isset( $_POST['updateoptions'] ) ) { check_admin_referer( 'updateresetoptions-simpletags' ); foreach ( (array) $options as $key => $value ) { $newval = ( isset( $_POST[ $key ] ) ) ? stripslashes( $_POST[ $key ] ) : '0'; if ( $newval != $value ) { $options[ $key ] = $newval; } } SimpleTags_Plugin::set_option( $options ); add_settings_error( __CLASS__, __CLASS__, __( 'Options saved', 'simpletags' ), 'updated' ); } elseif ( isset( $_POST['reset_options'] ) ) { check_admin_referer( 'updateresetoptions-simpletags' ); SimpleTags_Plugin::set_default_option(); add_settings_error( __CLASS__, __CLASS__, __( 'Simple Tags options resetted to default options!', 'simpletags' ), 'updated' ); } settings_errors( __CLASS__ ); include( STAGS_DIR . '/views/admin/page-settings.php' ); } /** * Get terms for a post, format terms for input and autocomplete usage * * @param string $taxonomy * @param integer $post_id * * @return string * @author Amaury Balmer */ public static function getTermsToEdit( $taxonomy = 'post_tag', $post_id = 0 ) { $post_id = (int) $post_id; if ( ! $post_id ) { return false; } $terms = wp_get_post_terms( $post_id, $taxonomy, array( 'fields' => 'names' ) ); if ( $terms == false ) { return false; } $terms = array_unique( $terms ); // Remove duplicate $terms = join( ', ', $terms ); $terms = esc_attr( $terms ); $terms = apply_filters( 'tags_to_edit', $terms ); return $terms; } /** * Default content for meta box of Simple Tags * * @return string * @author Amaury Balmer */ public static function getDefaultContentBox() { if ( (int) wp_count_terms( 'post_tag', 'ignore_empty=false' ) == 0 ) { // TODO: Custom taxonomy return __( 'This feature requires at least 1 tag to work. Begin by adding tags!', 'simpletags' ); } else { return __( 'This feature works only with activated JavaScript. Activate it in your Web browser so you can!', 'simpletags' ); } } /** * A short public static function for display the same copyright on all admin pages * * @return void * @author Amaury Balmer */ public static function printAdminFooter() { ?> $options ) { $colspan = count( $options ) > 1 ? 'colspan="2"' : ''; $desc_html_tag = 'div'; $output .= '
' . PHP_EOL; $output .= '
' . PHP_EOL; $output .= '' . self::getNiceTitleOptions( $section ) . '' . PHP_EOL; $output .= '' . PHP_EOL; foreach ( (array) $options as $option ) { // Helper if ( $option[2] == 'helper' ) { $output .= '' . PHP_EOL; continue; } // Fix notices if ( ! isset( $option_actual[ $option[0] ] ) ) { $option_actual[ $option[0] ] = ''; } switch ( $option[2] ) { case 'radio': $input_type = array();; foreach ( $option[3] as $value => $text ) { $input_type[] = '' . PHP_EOL; } $input_type = implode( '
', $input_type ); break; case 'checkbox': $desc_html_tag = 'span'; $input_type = '' . PHP_EOL; break; case 'dropdown': $selopts = explode( '/', $option[3] ); $seldata = ''; foreach ( (array) $selopts as $sel ) { $seldata .= '' . PHP_EOL; } $input_type = '' . PHP_EOL; break; case 'text-color': $input_type = '
' . PHP_EOL; break; case 'text': $input_type = '' . PHP_EOL; break; case 'number': $input_type = '' . PHP_EOL; break; } // Additional Information $extra = ''; if ( ! empty( $option[4] ) ) { $extra = '<' . $desc_html_tag . ' class="stpexplan">' . __( $option[4] ) . '' . PHP_EOL; } // Output $output .= '' . PHP_EOL; } $output .= '
' . stripslashes( $option[4] ) . '
' . $input_type . ' ' . $extra . '
' . PHP_EOL; $output .= '
' . PHP_EOL; $output .= '
' . PHP_EOL; } return $output; } /** * Get nice title for tabs title option * * @param string $id * * @return string */ public static function getNiceTitleOptions( $id = '' ) { switch ( $id ) { case 'administration': return __( 'Administration', 'simpletags' ); break; case 'auto-links': return __( 'Auto link', 'simpletags' ); break; case 'features': return __( 'Features', 'simpletags' ); break; case 'metakeywords': return __( 'Meta Keyword', 'simpletags' ); break; case 'embeddedtags': return __( 'Embedded Tags', 'simpletags' ); break; case 'tagspost': return __( 'Tags for Current Post', 'simpletags' ); break; case 'relatedposts': return __( 'Related Posts', 'simpletags' ); break; case 'relatedtags': return __( 'Related Tags', 'simpletags' ); break; case 'tagcloud': return __( 'Tag cloud', 'simpletags' ); break; } return ''; } /** * This method allow to check if the DB is up to date, and if a upgrade is need for options * TODO, useful or delete ? * * @return void * @author Amaury Balmer */ public static function upgrade() { // Get current version number $current_version = get_option( STAGS_OPTIONS_NAME . '-version' ); // Upgrade needed ? if ( $current_version == false || version_compare( $current_version, STAGS_VERSION, '<' ) ) { $current_options = get_option( STAGS_OPTIONS_NAME ); $default_options = (array) include( STAGS_DIR . '/inc/helper.options.default.php' ); // Add new options foreach ( $default_options as $key => $default_value ) { if ( ! isset( $current_options[ $key ] ) ) { $current_options[ $key ] = $default_value; } } // Remove old options foreach ( $current_options as $key => $current_value ) { if ( ! isset( $default_options[ $key ] ) ) { unset( $current_options[ $key ] ); } } update_option( STAGS_OPTIONS_NAME . '-version', STAGS_VERSION ); update_option( STAGS_OPTIONS_NAME, $current_options ); } return true; } /** * Make a simple SQL query with some args for get terms for ajax display * * @param string $taxonomy * @param string $search * @param string $order_by * @param string $order * * @return array * @author Amaury Balmer */ public static function getTermsForAjax( $taxonomy = 'post_tag', $search = '', $order_by = 'name', $order = 'ASC' ) { global $wpdb; if ( ! empty( $search ) ) { return $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( " SELECT DISTINCT, t.term_id FROM {$wpdb->terms} AS t INNER JOIN {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id WHERE tt.taxonomy = %s AND LIKE %s ORDER BY $order_by $order ", $taxonomy, '%' . $search . '%' ) ); } else { return $wpdb->get_results( $wpdb->prepare( " SELECT DISTINCT, t.term_id FROM {$wpdb->terms} AS t INNER JOIN {$wpdb->term_taxonomy} AS tt ON t.term_id = tt.term_id WHERE tt.taxonomy = %s ORDER BY $order_by $order ", $taxonomy ) ); } } }