'menubar,advlist', 'toolbar_1' => 'formatselect,bold,italic,blockquote,bullist,numlist,alignleft,aligncenter,alignright,link,unlink,undo,redo', 'toolbar_2' => 'fontselect,fontsizeselect,outdent,indent,pastetext,removeformat,charmap,wp_more,forecolor,table,wp_help', 'toolbar_3' => '', 'toolbar_4' => '', 'plugins' => 'anchor,code,insertdatetime,nonbreaking,print,searchreplace,table,visualblocks,visualchars,advlist,wptadv', ); } private function get_default_admin_settings() { return array( 'options' => array(), ); } private function get_all_plugins() { return array( 'advlist', 'anchor', 'code', 'contextmenu', 'emoticons', 'importcss', 'insertdatetime', 'link', 'nonbreaking', 'print', 'searchreplace', 'table', 'visualblocks', 'visualchars', 'wptadv', ); } private function get_all_user_options() { return array( 'advlist', 'advlink', 'contextmenu', 'menubar', 'fontsize_formats', ); } private function get_all_admin_options() { return array( 'importcss', 'no_autop', 'paste_images', ); } private function get_editor_locations() { return array( 'edit_post_screen', 'rest_of_wpadmin', 'on_front_end', ); } public function __construct() { if ( ! defined('ABSPATH') ) { return; } register_activation_hook( __FILE__, array( $this, 'check_plugin_version' ) ); add_action( 'plugins_loaded', array( $this, 'set_paths' ), 50 ); if ( is_admin() ) { add_action( 'admin_menu', array( $this, 'add_menu' ) ); add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'enqueue_scripts' ) ); add_action( 'plugins_loaded', array( $this, 'load_textdomain' ) ); add_filter( 'plugin_action_links', array( $this, 'add_settings_link' ), 10, 2 ); add_action( 'before_wp_tiny_mce', array( $this, 'show_version_warning' ) ); } add_filter( 'wp_editor_settings', array( $this, 'disable_for_editor' ), 10, 2 ); add_filter( 'mce_buttons', array( $this, 'mce_buttons_1' ), 999, 2 ); add_filter( 'mce_buttons_2', array( $this, 'mce_buttons_2' ), 999 ); add_filter( 'mce_buttons_3', array( $this, 'mce_buttons_3' ), 999 ); add_filter( 'mce_buttons_4', array( $this, 'mce_buttons_4' ), 999 ); add_filter( 'tiny_mce_before_init', array( $this, 'mce_options' ) ); add_filter( 'mce_external_plugins', array( $this, 'mce_external_plugins' ), 999 ); add_filter( 'tiny_mce_plugins', array( $this, 'tiny_mce_plugins' ), 999 ); add_action( 'after_wp_tiny_mce', array( $this, 'after_wp_tiny_mce' ) ); } public function disable_for_editor( $settings, $editor_id ) { static $editor_style_added = false; if ( empty( $this->admin_settings ) ) { $this->load_settings(); } $this->disabled_for_editor = false; $this->editor_id = $editor_id; if ( ! empty( $this->admin_settings['disabled_editors'] ) ) { $disabled_editors = explode( ',', $this->admin_settings['disabled_editors'] ); $current_screen = isset( $GLOBALS['current_screen'] ) ? $GLOBALS['current_screen'] : new stdClass; if ( is_admin() ) { if ( $editor_id === 'content' && ( $current_screen->id === 'post' || $current_screen->id === 'page' ) ) { if ( in_array( 'edit_post_screen', $disabled_editors, true ) ) { $this->disabled_for_editor = true; } } elseif ( in_array( 'rest_of_wpadmin', $disabled_editors, true ) ) { $this->disabled_for_editor = true; } } elseif ( in_array( 'on_front_end', $disabled_editors, true ) ) { $this->disabled_for_editor = true; } } if ( ! $this->disabled_for_editor && ! $editor_style_added ) { if ( $this->check_admin_setting( 'importcss' ) && $this->has_editor_style() !== 'present' ) { add_editor_style(); } $editor_style_added = true; } return $settings; } private function is_disabled() { return $this->disabled_for_editor; } private function has_editor_style() { if ( ! current_theme_supports( 'editor-style' ) ) { return 'not-supporetd'; } $editor_stylesheets = get_editor_stylesheets(); if ( is_array( $editor_stylesheets ) ) { foreach ( $editor_stylesheets as $url ) { if ( strpos( $url, 'editor-style.css' ) !== false ) { return 'present'; } } } return 'not-present'; } // When using a plugin that changes the paths dinamically, set these earlier than 'plugins_loaded' 50. public function set_paths() { if ( ! defined( 'TADV_URL' ) ) define( 'TADV_URL', plugin_dir_url( __FILE__ ) ); if ( ! defined( 'TADV_PATH' ) ) define( 'TADV_PATH', plugin_dir_path( __FILE__ ) ); } public function load_textdomain() { load_plugin_textdomain( 'tinymce-advanced', false, 'tinymce-advanced/langs' ); } public function enqueue_scripts( $page ) { if ( 'settings_page_tinymce-advanced' == $page ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'tadv-js', TADV_URL . 'js/tadv.js', array( 'jquery-ui-sortable' ), '4.0', true ); wp_enqueue_style( 'tadv-mce-skin', includes_url( 'js/tinymce/skins/lightgray/skin.min.css' ), array(), '4.0' ); wp_enqueue_style( 'tadv-css', TADV_URL . 'css/tadv-styles.css', array( 'editor-buttons' ), '4.0' ); add_action( 'admin_footer', array( $this, 'load_mce_translation' ) ); } } public function load_mce_translation() { if ( ! class_exists( '_WP_Editors' ) ) { require( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-wp-editor.php' ); } ?> admin_settings ) ) { $this->admin_settings = get_option( 'tadv_admin_settings', false ); } if ( empty( $this->user_settings ) ) { $this->user_settings = get_option( 'tadv_settings', false ); } // load defaults if the options don't exist... if ( $this->admin_settings === false ) { $this->admin_settings = $this->get_default_admin_settings(); } $this->admin_options = ! empty( $this->admin_settings['options'] ) ? explode( ',', $this->admin_settings['options'] ) : array(); if ( $this->user_settings === false ) { $this->user_settings = $this->get_default_user_settings(); } $this->options = ! empty( $this->user_settings['options'] ) ? explode( ',', $this->user_settings['options'] ) : array(); $this->plugins = ! empty( $this->user_settings['plugins'] ) ? explode( ',', $this->user_settings['plugins'] ) : array(); $this->toolbar_1 = ! empty( $this->user_settings['toolbar_1'] ) ? explode( ',', $this->user_settings['toolbar_1'] ) : array(); $this->toolbar_2 = ! empty( $this->user_settings['toolbar_2'] ) ? explode( ',', $this->user_settings['toolbar_2'] ) : array(); $this->toolbar_3 = ! empty( $this->user_settings['toolbar_3'] ) ? explode( ',', $this->user_settings['toolbar_3'] ) : array(); $this->toolbar_4 = ! empty( $this->user_settings['toolbar_4'] ) ? explode( ',', $this->user_settings['toolbar_4'] ) : array(); $this->used_buttons = array_merge( $this->toolbar_1, $this->toolbar_2, $this->toolbar_3, $this->toolbar_4 ); $this->get_all_buttons(); // Force refresh after activation. if ( ! empty( $GLOBALS['tinymce_version'] ) && strpos( $GLOBALS['tinymce_version'], '-tadv-' ) === false ) { $GLOBALS['tinymce_version'] .= '-tadv-' . $this->plugin_version; } } public function show_version_warning() { if ( is_admin() && current_user_can( 'update_plugins' ) && get_current_screen()->base === 'post' ) { $this->warn_if_unsupported(); } } public function warn_if_unsupported() { if ( ! $this->check_minimum_supported_version() ) { $wp_ver = ! empty( $GLOBALS['wp_version'] ) ? $GLOBALS['wp_version'] : '(undefined)'; ?>

required_version, esc_html( $wp_ver ) ); echo '
'; printf( __( 'Please upgrade your WordPress installation or download an older version of the plugin.', 'tinymce-advanced' ), 'https://wordpress.org/plugins/tinymce-advanced/advanced/#download-previous-link' ); ?>

required_version, '>=' ) ); } public function check_plugin_version() { $version = get_option( 'tadv_version', 0 ); if ( ! $version || $version < 4000 ) { // First install or upgrade to TinyMCE 4.0 $this->user_settings = $this->get_default_user_settings(); $this->admin_settings = $this->get_default_admin_settings(); update_option( 'tadv_settings', $this->user_settings ); update_option( 'tadv_admin_settings', $this->admin_settings ); update_option( 'tadv_version', 4000 ); } if ( $version < 4000 ) { // Upgrade to TinyMCE 4.0, clean options delete_option('tadv_options'); delete_option('tadv_toolbars'); delete_option('tadv_plugins'); delete_option('tadv_btns1'); delete_option('tadv_btns2'); delete_option('tadv_btns3'); delete_option('tadv_btns4'); delete_option('tadv_allbtns'); } } public function get_all_buttons() { if ( ! empty( $this->all_buttons ) ) return $this->all_buttons; $buttons = array( // Core 'bold' => 'Bold', 'italic' => 'Italic', 'underline' => 'Underline', 'strikethrough' => 'Strikethrough', 'alignleft' => 'Align left', 'aligncenter' => 'Align center', 'alignright' => 'Align right', 'alignjustify' => 'Justify', 'styleselect' => 'Formats', 'formatselect' => 'Paragraph', 'fontselect' => 'Font Family', 'fontsizeselect' => 'Font Sizes', 'cut' => 'Cut', 'copy' => 'Copy', 'paste' => 'Paste', 'bullist' => 'Bulleted list', 'numlist' => 'Numbered list', 'outdent' => 'Decrease indent', 'indent' => 'Increase indent', 'blockquote' => 'Blockquote', 'undo' => 'Undo', 'redo' => 'Redo', 'removeformat' => 'Clear formatting', 'subscript' => 'Subscript', 'superscript' => 'Superscript', // From plugins 'hr' => 'Horizontal line', 'link' => 'Insert/edit link', 'unlink' => 'Remove link', 'image' => 'Insert/edit image', 'charmap' => 'Special character', 'pastetext' => 'Paste as text', 'print' => 'Print', 'anchor' => 'Anchor', 'searchreplace' => 'Find and replace', 'visualblocks' => 'Show blocks', 'visualchars' => 'Show invisible characters', 'code' => 'Source code', 'wp_code' => 'Code', 'fullscreen' => 'Fullscreen', 'insertdatetime' => 'Insert date/time', 'media' => 'Insert/edit video', 'nonbreaking' => 'Nonbreaking space', 'table' => 'Table', 'ltr' => 'Left to right', 'rtl' => 'Right to left', 'emoticons' => 'Emoticons', 'forecolor' => 'Text color', 'backcolor' => 'Background color', // Layer plugin ? // 'insertlayer' => 'Layer', // WP 'wp_adv' => 'Toolbar Toggle', 'wp_help' => 'Keyboard Shortcuts', 'wp_more' => 'Read more...', 'wp_page' => 'Page break', 'tadv_mark' => 'Mark', ); // add/remove allowed buttons $buttons = apply_filters( 'tadv_allowed_buttons', $buttons ); $this->all_buttons = $buttons; $this->buttons_filter = array_keys( $buttons ); return $buttons; } public function get_plugins( $plugins = array() ) { if ( ! is_array( $this->used_buttons ) ) { $this->load_settings(); } if ( in_array( 'anchor', $this->used_buttons, true ) ) $plugins[] = 'anchor'; if ( in_array( 'visualchars', $this->used_buttons, true ) ) $plugins[] = 'visualchars'; if ( in_array( 'visualblocks', $this->used_buttons, true ) ) $plugins[] = 'visualblocks'; if ( in_array( 'nonbreaking', $this->used_buttons, true ) ) $plugins[] = 'nonbreaking'; if ( in_array( 'emoticons', $this->used_buttons, true ) ) $plugins[] = 'emoticons'; if ( in_array( 'insertdatetime', $this->used_buttons, true ) ) $plugins[] = 'insertdatetime'; if ( in_array( 'table', $this->used_buttons, true ) ) $plugins[] = 'table'; if ( in_array( 'print', $this->used_buttons, true ) ) $plugins[] = 'print'; if ( in_array( 'searchreplace', $this->used_buttons, true ) ) $plugins[] = 'searchreplace'; if ( in_array( 'code', $this->used_buttons, true ) ) $plugins[] = 'code'; // if ( in_array( 'insertlayer', $this->used_buttons, true ) ) // $plugins[] = 'layer'; // From options if ( $this->check_user_setting( 'advlist' ) ) $plugins[] = 'advlist'; if ( $this->check_user_setting( 'advlink' ) ) $plugins[] = 'link'; if ( $this->check_admin_setting( 'importcss' ) ) $plugins[] = 'importcss'; if ( $this->check_user_setting( 'contextmenu' ) ) $plugins[] = 'contextmenu'; // add/remove used plugins $plugins = apply_filters( 'tadv_used_plugins', $plugins, $this->used_buttons ); return array_unique( $plugins ); } private function check_user_setting( $setting ) { if ( ! is_array( $this->options ) ) { $this->load_settings(); } // Back-compat for 'fontsize_formats' if ( $setting === 'fontsize_formats' && $this->check_admin_setting( 'fontsize_formats' ) ) { return true; } return in_array( $setting, $this->options, true ); } private function check_admin_setting( $setting ) { if ( ! is_array( $this->admin_options ) ) { $this->load_settings(); } if ( strpos( $setting, 'enable_' ) === 0 ) { $disabled_editors = ! empty( $this->admin_settings['disabled_editors'] ) ? explode( ',', $this->admin_settings['disabled_editors'] ) : array(); return ! in_array( str_replace( 'enable_', '', $setting ), $disabled_editors ); } return in_array( $setting, $this->admin_options, true ); } public function mce_buttons_1( $original, $editor_id ) { if ( $this->is_disabled() ) { return $original; } if ( ! is_array( $this->options ) ) { $this->load_settings(); } $buttons_1 = $this->toolbar_1; if ( is_array( $original ) && ! empty( $original ) ) { $original = array_diff( $original, $this->buttons_filter ); $buttons_1 = array_merge( $buttons_1, $original ); } return $buttons_1; } public function mce_buttons_2( $original ) { if ( $this->is_disabled() ) { return $original; } if ( ! is_array( $this->options ) ) { $this->load_settings(); } $buttons_2 = $this->toolbar_2; if ( is_array( $original ) && ! empty( $original ) ) { $original = array_diff( $original, $this->buttons_filter ); $buttons_2 = array_merge( $buttons_2, $original ); } return $buttons_2; } public function mce_buttons_3( $original ) { if ( $this->is_disabled() ) { return $original; } if ( ! is_array( $this->options ) ) { $this->load_settings(); } $buttons_3 = $this->toolbar_3; if ( is_array( $original ) && ! empty( $original ) ) { $original = array_diff( $original, $this->buttons_filter ); $buttons_3 = array_merge( $buttons_3, $original ); } return $buttons_3; } public function mce_buttons_4( $original ) { if ( $this->is_disabled() ) { return $original; } if ( ! is_array( $this->options ) ) { $this->load_settings(); } $buttons_4 = $this->toolbar_4; if ( is_array( $original ) && ! empty( $original ) ) { $original = array_diff( $original, $this->buttons_filter ); $buttons_4 = array_merge( $buttons_4, $original ); } return $buttons_4; } public function mce_options( $init ) { if ( $this->is_disabled() ) { return $init; } $init['image_advtab'] = true; $init['rel_list'] = '[{text: "None", value: ""}, {text: "Nofollow", value: "nofollow"}]'; if ( $this->check_admin_setting( 'no_autop' ) ) { $init['wpautop'] = false; $init['indent'] = true; $init['tadv_noautop'] = true; } if ( $this->check_user_setting('menubar') ) { $init['menubar'] = true; } if ( ! in_array( 'wp_adv', $this->toolbar_1, true ) ) { $init['wordpress_adv_hidden'] = false; } if ( $this->check_admin_setting( 'importcss' ) ) { // $init['importcss_selector_filter'] = 'function(sel){return /^\.[a-z0-9]+$/i.test(sel);}'; $init['importcss_file_filter'] = 'editor-style.css'; } if ( $this->check_user_setting( 'fontsize_formats' ) ) { $init['fontsize_formats'] = $this->fontsize_formats; } if ( $this->check_user_setting( 'paste_images' ) ) { $init['paste_data_images'] = true; } if ( in_array( 'table', $this->plugins, true ) ) { $init['table_toolbar'] = false; } return $init; } public function after_wp_tiny_mce() { if ( $this->is_disabled() ) { return; } ?> options ) ) { $this->load_settings(); } if ( $this->is_disabled() ) { return $mce_plugins; } if ( ! is_array( $this->plugins ) ) { $this->plugins = array(); } $this->plugins[] = 'wptadv'; $this->plugins = array_intersect( $this->plugins, $this->get_all_plugins() ); $plugpath = TADV_URL . 'mce/'; $mce_plugins = (array) $mce_plugins; $suffix = defined( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG' ) && SCRIPT_DEBUG ? '' : '.min'; foreach ( $this->plugins as $plugin ) { $mce_plugins["$plugin"] = $plugpath . $plugin . "/plugin{$suffix}.js"; } return $mce_plugins; } public function tiny_mce_plugins( $plugins ) { if ( $this->is_disabled() ) { return $plugins; } if ( in_array( 'image', $this->used_buttons, true ) && ! in_array( 'image', $plugins, true ) ) { $plugins[] = 'image'; } if ( ( in_array( 'rtl', $this->used_buttons, true ) || in_array( 'ltr', $this->used_buttons, true ) ) && ! in_array( 'directionality', (array) $plugins, true ) ) { $plugins[] = 'directionality'; } return $plugins; } private function parse_buttons( $toolbar_id = false, $buttons = false ) { if ( $toolbar_id && ! $buttons && ! empty( $_POST[$toolbar_id] ) ) $buttons = $_POST[$toolbar_id]; if ( is_array( $buttons ) ) { $_buttons = array_map( array( @$this, 'filter_name' ), $buttons ); return implode( ',', array_filter( $_buttons ) ); } return ''; } private function filter_name( $str ) { if ( empty( $str ) || ! is_string( $str ) ) return ''; // Button names return preg_replace( '/[^a-z0-9_]/i', '', $str ); } private function sanitize_settings( $settings ) { $_settings = array(); if ( ! is_array( $settings ) ) { return $_settings; } foreach( $settings as $name => $value ) { $name = preg_replace( '/[^a-z0-9_]+/', '', $name ); if ( strpos( $name, 'toolbar_' ) === 0 ) { $_settings[$name] = $this->parse_buttons( false, explode( ',', $value ) ); } else if ( 'options' === $name || 'plugins' === $name || 'disabled_plugins' === $name ) { $_settings[$name] = preg_replace( '/[^a-z0-9_,]+/', '', $value ); } } return $_settings; } private function validate_settings( $settings, $checklist ) { if ( empty( $settings ) ) { return ''; } elseif ( is_string( $settings ) ) { $settings = explode( ',', $settings ); } elseif ( ! is_array( $settings ) ) { return ''; } $_settings = array(); foreach ( $settings as $value ) { if ( in_array( $value, $checklist, true ) ) { $_settings[] = $value; } } return implode( ',', $_settings ); } private function save_settings( $all_settings = null ) { $settings = $user_settings = array(); if ( empty( $this->buttons_filter ) ) { $this->get_all_buttons(); } if ( ! empty( $all_settings['settings'] ) ) { $user_settings = $all_settings['settings']; } for ( $i = 1; $i < 5; $i++ ) { $toolbar_name = 'toolbar_' . $i; if ( ! empty( $user_settings[ $toolbar_name ] ) ) { $toolbar = explode( ',', $user_settings[ $toolbar_name ] ); } elseif ( ! empty( $_POST[ $toolbar_name ] ) && is_array( $_POST[ $toolbar_name ] ) ) { $toolbar = $_POST[ $toolbar_name ]; } else { $toolbar = array(); } if ( $i > 1 && ( $wp_adv = array_search( 'wp_adv', $toolbar ) ) !== false ) { unset( $toolbar[ $wp_adv ] ); } $settings[ $toolbar_name ] = $this->validate_settings( $toolbar, $this->buttons_filter ); } if ( ! empty( $user_settings['options'] ) ) { $options = explode( ',', $user_settings['options'] ); } elseif ( ! empty( $_POST['options'] ) && is_array( $_POST['options'] ) ) { $options = $_POST['options']; } else { $options = array(); } $settings['options'] = $this->validate_settings( $options, $this->get_all_user_options() ); if ( ! empty( $user_settings['plugins'] ) ) { $plugins = explode( ',', $user_settings['plugins'] ); } elseif ( ! empty( $_POST['options']['menubar'] ) ) { $plugins = array( 'anchor', 'code', 'insertdatetime', 'nonbreaking', 'print', 'searchreplace', 'table', 'visualblocks', 'visualchars' ); } else { $plugins = array(); } // Merge the submitted plugins with plugins needed for the buttons. $this->user_settings = $settings; $this->load_settings(); $plugins = $this->get_plugins( $plugins ); $settings['plugins'] = $this->validate_settings( $plugins, $this->get_all_plugins() ); $this->user_settings = $settings; $this->load_settings(); // Save the new settings. update_option( 'tadv_settings', $settings ); if ( ! is_multisite() || current_user_can( 'manage_sites' ) ) { $this->save_admin_settings( $all_settings ); } } private function save_admin_settings( $all_settings = null ) { $admin_settings = $save_admin_settings = array(); if ( ! empty( $all_settings['admin_settings'] ) ) { $admin_settings = $all_settings['admin_settings']; } if ( ! empty( $admin_settings ) ) { if ( ! empty( $admin_settings['options'] ) ) { $save_admin_settings['options'] = $this->validate_settings( $admin_settings['options'], $this->get_all_admin_options() ); } else { $save_admin_settings['options'] = ''; } $disabled_editors = array_intersect( $this->get_editor_locations(), explode( ',', $admin_settings['disabled_editors'] ) ); } elseif ( isset( $_POST['tadv-save'] ) ) { if ( ! empty( $_POST['admin_options'] ) && is_array( $_POST['admin_options'] ) ) { $save_admin_settings['options'] = $this->validate_settings( $_POST['admin_options'], $this->get_all_admin_options() ); } if ( ! empty( $_POST['tadv_enable_at'] ) && is_array( $_POST['tadv_enable_at'] ) ) { $tadv_enable_at = $_POST['tadv_enable_at']; } else { $tadv_enable_at = array(); } $disabled_editors = array_diff( $this->get_editor_locations(), $tadv_enable_at ); } else { return; } $save_admin_settings['disabled_editors'] = implode( ',', $disabled_editors ); $this->admin_settings = $save_admin_settings; update_option( 'tadv_admin_settings', $save_admin_settings ); } public function settings_page() { if ( ! defined( 'TADV_ADMIN_PAGE' ) ) { define( 'TADV_ADMIN_PAGE', true ); } include_once( TADV_PATH . 'tadv_admin.php' ); } public function add_menu() { add_options_page( 'TinyMCE Advanced', 'TinyMCE Advanced', 'manage_options', 'tinymce-advanced', array( $this, 'settings_page' ) ); } /** * Add a link to the settings page */ public function add_settings_link( $links, $file ) { if ( $file === 'tinymce-advanced/tinymce-advanced.php' && current_user_can( 'manage_options' ) ) { $settings_link = sprintf( '%s', admin_url( 'options-general.php?page=tinymce-advanced' ), __( 'Settings', 'tinymce-advanced' ) ); array_unshift( $links, $settings_link ); } return $links; } } new Tinymce_Advanced; endif;