'term_id', 'name' => 'Term ID', 'type' => 'term_id' ), array( 'label' => 'term_name', 'name' => 'Term Name', 'type' => 'term_name' ), array( 'label' => 'term_slug', 'name' => 'Term Slug', 'type' => 'term_slug' ) ); private $default_fields = array( array( 'label' => 'term_id', 'name' => 'Term ID', 'type' => 'term_id' ), array( 'label' => 'term_name', 'name' => 'Term Name', 'type' => 'term_name' ), array( 'label' => 'term_slug', 'name' => 'Term Slug', 'type' => 'term_slug' ), array( 'label' => 'term_description', 'name' => 'Description', 'type' => 'term_description' ), array( 'label' => 'term_parent_id', 'name' => 'Parent ID', 'type' => 'term_parent_id' ), array( 'label' => 'term_parent_name', 'name' => 'Parent Name', 'type' => 'term_parent_name' ), array( 'label' => 'term_parent_slug', 'name' => 'Parent Slug', 'type' => 'term_parent_slug' ), array( 'label' => 'term_posts_count', 'name' => 'Count', 'type' => 'term_posts_count' ), ); private $advanced_fields = array( ); public static $is_active = true; public function __construct() { if ( XmlExportEngine::$exportOptions['export_type'] == 'specific' and ! in_array('taxonomies', XmlExportEngine::$post_types) or XmlExportEngine::$exportOptions['export_type'] == 'advanced'){ self::$is_active = false; return; } add_filter("wp_all_export_available_sections", array( &$this, "filter_available_sections" ), 10, 1); add_filter("wp_all_export_init_fields", array( &$this, "filter_init_fields"), 10, 1); add_filter("wp_all_export_default_fields", array( &$this, "filter_default_fields"), 10, 1); add_filter("wp_all_export_other_fields", array( &$this, "filter_other_fields"), 10, 1); } // [FILTERS] /** * * Filter Init Fields * */ public function filter_init_fields($init_fields){ return $this->init_fields; } /** * * Filter Default Fields * */ public function filter_default_fields($default_fields){ return $this->default_fields; } /** * * Filter Other Fields * */ public function filter_other_fields($other_fields){ return $this->advanced_fields; } /** * * Filter Sections in Available Data * */ public function filter_available_sections($sections){ unset($sections['media']['additional']['attachments']); unset($sections['cats']); unset($sections['other']); $sections['cf']['title'] = __("Term Meta", "wp_all_export_plugin"); return $sections; } // [\FILTERS] public function init( & $existing_meta_keys = array() ) { if ( ! self::$is_active ) return; if ( ! empty(XmlExportEngine::$exportQuery)){ $terms = XmlExportEngine::$exportQuery->get_terms(); } if ( ! empty( $terms ) ) { foreach ( $terms as $term ) { $term_meta = get_term_meta($term->term_id, ''); if ( ! empty($term_meta)){ foreach ($term_meta as $record_meta_key => $record_meta_value) { if ( ! in_array($record_meta_key, $existing_meta_keys) ){ $to_add = true; foreach ($this->default_fields as $default_value) { if ( $record_meta_key == $default_value['name'] || $record_meta_key == $default_value['type'] ){ $to_add = false; break; } } if ( $to_add ){ foreach ($this->advanced_fields as $advanced_value) { if ( $record_meta_key == $advanced_value['name'] || $record_meta_key == $advanced_value['type']){ $to_add = false; break; } } } if ( $to_add ) $existing_meta_keys[] = $record_meta_key; } } } } } } public static function prepare_data( $term, $xmlWriter = false, &$acfs, $implode_delimiter, $preview ) { $article = array(); // associate exported comment with import if ( wp_all_export_is_compatible() and XmlExportEngine::$exportOptions['is_generate_import'] and XmlExportEngine::$exportOptions['import_id']) { $postRecord = new PMXI_Post_Record(); $postRecord->clear(); $postRecord->getBy(array( 'post_id' => $term->term_id, 'import_id' => XmlExportEngine::$exportOptions['import_id'], )); if ($postRecord->isEmpty()){ $postRecord->set(array( 'post_id' => $term->term_id, 'import_id' => XmlExportEngine::$exportOptions['import_id'], 'unique_key' => $term->term_id ))->save(); } unset($postRecord); } $is_xml_export = false; if ( ! empty($xmlWriter) and XmlExportEngine::$exportOptions['export_to'] == 'xml' and ! in_array(XmlExportEngine::$exportOptions['xml_template_type'], array('custom', 'XmlGoogleMerchants')) ){ $is_xml_export = true; } foreach (XmlExportEngine::$exportOptions['ids'] as $ID => $value) { $fieldName = apply_filters('wp_all_export_field_name', wp_all_export_parse_field_name(XmlExportEngine::$exportOptions['cc_name'][$ID]), XmlExportEngine::$exportID); $fieldValue = XmlExportEngine::$exportOptions['cc_value'][$ID]; $fieldLabel = XmlExportEngine::$exportOptions['cc_label'][$ID]; $fieldSql = XmlExportEngine::$exportOptions['cc_sql'][$ID]; $fieldPhp = XmlExportEngine::$exportOptions['cc_php'][$ID]; $fieldCode = XmlExportEngine::$exportOptions['cc_code'][$ID]; $fieldType = XmlExportEngine::$exportOptions['cc_type'][$ID]; $fieldOptions = XmlExportEngine::$exportOptions['cc_options'][$ID]; if ( empty($fieldName) or empty($fieldType) or ! is_numeric($ID)) continue; $element_name = ( ! empty($fieldName) ) ? $fieldName : 'untitled_' . $ID; $element_name_ns = ''; if ( $is_xml_export ) { $element_name = ( ! empty($fieldName) ) ? preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_:-]/i', '', $fieldName) : 'untitled_' . $ID; if (strpos($element_name, ":") !== false) { $element_name_parts = explode(":", $element_name); $element_name_ns = (empty($element_name_parts[0])) ? '' : $element_name_parts[0]; $element_name = (empty($element_name_parts[1])) ? 'untitled_' . $ID : preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9_-]/i', '', $element_name_parts[1]); } } $fieldSnipped = ( ! empty($fieldPhp ) and ! empty($fieldCode)) ? $fieldCode : false; switch ($fieldType) { case 'term_id': wp_all_export_write_article( $article, $element_name, apply_filters('pmxe_term_id', pmxe_filter($term->term_id, $fieldSnipped), $term->term_id) ); break; case 'term_name': wp_all_export_write_article( $article, $element_name, apply_filters('pmxe_term_name', pmxe_filter($term->name, $fieldSnipped), $term->term_id) ); break; case 'term_slug': wp_all_export_write_article( $article, $element_name, apply_filters('pmxe_term_slug', pmxe_filter($term->slug, $fieldSnipped), $term->term_id) ); break; case 'term_description': wp_all_export_write_article( $article, $element_name, apply_filters('pmxe_term_description', pmxe_filter($term->description, $fieldSnipped), $term->term_id) ); break; case 'term_parent_id': wp_all_export_write_article( $article, $element_name, apply_filters('pmxe_term_parent', pmxe_filter($term->parent, $fieldSnipped), $term->term_id) ); break; case 'term_parent_name': $term_parent_name = ''; if ($term->parent){ $parent_term = get_term($term->parent, $term->taxonomy); if ($parent_term){ $term_parent_name = $parent_term->name; } } wp_all_export_write_article( $article, $element_name, apply_filters('pmxe_term_parent', pmxe_filter($term_parent_name, $fieldSnipped), $term->term_id) ); break; case 'term_parent_slug': $term_parent_slug = ''; if ($term->parent){ $parent_term = get_term($term->parent, $term->taxonomy); if ($parent_term){ $term_parent_slug = $parent_term->slug; } } wp_all_export_write_article( $article, $element_name, apply_filters('pmxe_term_parent', pmxe_filter($term_parent_slug, $fieldSnipped), $term->term_id) ); break; case 'term_posts_count': wp_all_export_write_article( $article, $element_name, apply_filters('pmxe_term_count', pmxe_filter($term->count, $fieldSnipped), $term->term_id) ); break; // Media Images case 'media': case 'image_id': case 'image_url': case 'image_filename': case 'image_path': case 'image_title': case 'image_caption': case 'image_description': case 'image_alt': $field_options = json_decode($fieldOptions, true); XmlExportMediaGallery::getInstance($term->term_id); $images_data = XmlExportMediaGallery::get_images($fieldType, $field_options); $images_separator = empty($field_options['image_separator']) ? $implode_delimiter : $field_options['image_separator']; wp_all_export_write_article( $article, $element_name, apply_filters('pmxe_' . $fieldType, pmxe_filter( implode($images_separator, $images_data), $fieldSnipped), $term->term_id) ); break; case 'cf': if ( ! empty($fieldValue) ){ $cur_meta_values = get_term_meta($term->term_id, $fieldValue); if (!empty($cur_meta_values) and is_array($cur_meta_values)){ $val = ""; foreach ($cur_meta_values as $key => $cur_meta_value) { if (empty($val)){ $val = apply_filters('pmxe_custom_field', pmxe_filter(maybe_serialize($cur_meta_value), $fieldSnipped), $fieldValue, $term->term_id); } else{ $val = apply_filters('pmxe_custom_field', pmxe_filter($val . $implode_delimiter . maybe_serialize($cur_meta_value), $fieldSnipped), $fieldValue, $term->term_id); } } wp_all_export_write_article( $article, $element_name, $val ); } if (empty($cur_meta_values)){ if (empty($article[$element_name])){ wp_all_export_write_article( $article, $element_name, apply_filters('pmxe_custom_field', pmxe_filter('', $fieldSnipped), $fieldValue, $term->term_id) ); } } } break; case 'acf': if ( ! empty($fieldLabel) and class_exists( 'acf' ) ) { global $acf; $field_options = unserialize($fieldOptions); if ( ! $is_xml_export ) { switch ($field_options['type']) { case 'textarea': case 'oembed': case 'wysiwyg': case 'wp_wysiwyg': case 'date_time_picker': case 'date_picker': $field_value = get_field($fieldLabel, $term->taxonomy . "_" . $term->term_id, false); break; default: $field_value = get_field($fieldLabel, $term->taxonomy . "_" . $term->term_id); break; } } else { $field_value = get_field($fieldLabel, $term->taxonomy . "_" . $term->term_id); } XmlExportACF::export_acf_field( $field_value, XmlExportEngine::$exportOptions, $ID, $term->taxonomy . "_" . $term->term_id, $article, $xmlWriter, $acfs, $element_name, $element_name_ns, $fieldSnipped, $field_options['group_id'], $preview ); } break; case 'sql': if ( ! empty($fieldSql) ) { global $wpdb; $val = $wpdb->get_var( $wpdb->prepare( stripcslashes(str_replace("%%ID%%", "%d", $fieldSql)), $term->term_id )); if ( ! empty($fieldPhp) and !empty($fieldCode) ) { // if shortcode defined if (strpos($fieldCode, '[') === 0) { $val = do_shortcode(str_replace("%%VALUE%%", $val, $fieldCode)); } else { $val = eval('return ' . stripcslashes(str_replace("%%VALUE%%", $val, $fieldCode)) . ';'); } } wp_all_export_write_article( $article, $element_name, apply_filters('pmxe_sql_field', $val, $element_name, $term->term_id) ); } break; default: # code... break; } if ( $is_xml_export and isset($article[$element_name]) ) { $element_name_in_file = XmlCsvExport::_get_valid_header_name( $element_name ); $xmlWriter = apply_filters('wp_all_export_add_before_element', $xmlWriter, $element_name_in_file, XmlExportEngine::$exportID, $term->term_id); $xmlWriter->beginElement($element_name_ns, $element_name_in_file, null); $xmlWriter->writeData($article[$element_name], $element_name_in_file); $xmlWriter->closeElement(); $xmlWriter = apply_filters('wp_all_export_add_after_element', $xmlWriter, $element_name_in_file, XmlExportEngine::$exportID, $term->term_id); } } return $article; } public static function prepare_import_template( $exportOptions, &$templateOptions, $element_name, $ID) { $options = $exportOptions; $element_type = $options['cc_type'][$ID]; $is_xml_template = $options['export_to'] == 'xml'; $implode_delimiter = XmlExportEngine::$implode; switch ($element_type) { // Export Taxonomy Terms case 'term_id': $templateOptions['unique_key'] = '{'. $element_name .'[1]}'; $templateOptions['tmp_unique_key'] = '{'. $element_name .'[1]}'; break; case 'term_name': $templateOptions['title'] = '{'. $element_name .'[1]}'; $templateOptions['is_update_title'] = 1; break; case 'term_slug': $templateOptions['taxonomy_slug'] = 'xpath'; $templateOptions['taxonomy_slug_xpath'] = '{'. $element_name .'[1]}'; $templateOptions['is_update_slug'] = 1; break; case 'term_description': $templateOptions['content'] = '{'. $element_name .'[1]}'; $templateOptions['is_update_content'] = 1; break; case 'term_parent_slug': $templateOptions['taxonomy_parent'] = '{'. $element_name .'[1]}'; $templateOptions['is_update_parent'] = 1; break; } } /** * __get function. * * @access public * @param mixed $key * @return mixed */ public function __get( $key ) { return $this->get( $key ); } /** * Get a session variable * * @param string $key * @param mixed $default used if the session variable isn't set * @return mixed value of session variable */ public function get( $key, $default = null ) { return isset( $this->{$key} ) ? $this->{$key} : $default; } } }