'Order ID', 'type' => 'woo_order', 'options' => 'order', 'label' => 'ID' ), array( 'name' => 'Order Key', 'type' => 'woo_order', 'options' => 'order', 'label' => '_order_key' ), array( 'name' => 'Title', 'type' => 'woo_order', 'options' => 'order', 'label' => 'post_title' ) ); private $order_core_fields = array(); public function __construct() { $this->order_core_fields = array('_prices_include_tax', '_customer_ip_address', '_customer_user_agent', '_created_via', '_order_version', '_payment_method', '_cart_discount_tax', '_order_shipping_tax', '_recorded_sales', '_order_stock_reduced', '_recorded_coupon_usage_counts', '_transaction_id'); if ( ! class_exists('WooCommerce') or ( XmlExportEngine::$exportOptions['export_type'] == 'specific' and ! in_array('shop_order', XmlExportEngine::$post_types) ) or ( XmlExportEngine::$exportOptions['export_type'] == 'advanced' and strpos(XmlExportEngine::$exportOptions['wp_query'], 'shop_order') === false ) ) { self::$is_active = false; return; } self::$is_active = true; if ( empty(PMXE_Plugin::$session) ) // if cron execution { $id = $_GET['export_id']; $export = new PMXE_Export_Record(); $export->getById($id); if ( ! $export->isEmpty() and $export->options['export_to'] == 'csv'){ $this->init_additional_data(); } } else { $this->init_additional_data(); } add_filter("wp_all_export_available_sections", array( &$this, "filter_available_sections" ), 10, 1); add_filter("wp_all_export_csv_rows", array( &$this, "filter_csv_rows"), 10, 2); add_filter("wp_all_export_init_fields", array( &$this, "filter_init_fields"), 10, 1); self::$order_sections = $this->available_sections(); } // [FILTERS] /** * * Filter Init Fields * */ public function filter_init_fields($init_fields){ return $this->init_fields; } /** * * Filter Sections in Available Data * */ public function filter_available_sections($sections){ return array(); } // [\FILTERS] public function init( & $existing_meta_keys = array() ){ if ( ! self::$is_active ) return; if ( ! empty($existing_meta_keys) ) { foreach (self::$order_sections as $slug => $section) : foreach ($section['meta'] as $cur_meta_key => $cur_meta_label) { foreach ($existing_meta_keys as $key => $record_meta_key) { if ( $record_meta_key == $cur_meta_key ) { unset($existing_meta_keys[$key]); break; } } } endforeach; foreach ( $this->order_core_fields as $core_field ): foreach ($existing_meta_keys as $key => $record_meta_key) { if ( $record_meta_key == $core_field ) { unset($existing_meta_keys[$key]); break; } } endforeach; foreach ($existing_meta_keys as $key => $record_meta_key) { self::$order_sections['cf']['meta'][$record_meta_key] = array( 'name' => $record_meta_key, 'label' => $record_meta_key, 'options' => '', 'type' => 'cf' ); } } global $wpdb; $table_prefix = $wpdb->prefix; $product_data = $this->available_order_default_product_data(); $meta_keys = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT DISTINCT {$table_prefix}woocommerce_order_itemmeta.meta_key FROM {$table_prefix}woocommerce_order_itemmeta"); if ( ! empty($meta_keys)){ foreach ($meta_keys as $meta_key) { if (strpos($meta_key->meta_key, "pa_") !== 0 and empty(self::$order_sections['cf']['meta'][$meta_key->meta_key]) and empty($product_data[$meta_key->meta_key])) self::$order_sections['other']['meta'][$meta_key->meta_key] = $this->fix_titles(array( 'name' => $meta_key->meta_key, 'label' => $meta_key->meta_key, 'options' => 'items', 'type' => 'woo_order' )); } } foreach ( $this->order_core_fields as $core_field ): self::$order_sections['other']['meta'][$core_field] = $this->fix_titles(array( 'name' => $core_field, 'label' => $core_field, 'options' => '', 'type' => 'cf' )); endforeach; } /** * * Helper method to fix fields title * */ protected function fix_titles($field) { if (is_array($field)) { $field['name'] = $this->fix_title($field['name']); } else { $field = $this->fix_title($field); } return $field; } /** * * Helper method to fix single title * */ protected function fix_title($title) { $uc_title = ucwords(trim(str_replace("_", " ", $title))); return stripos($uc_title, "width") === false ? str_ireplace(array('id', 'url', 'sku'), array('ID', 'URL', 'SKU'), $uc_title) : $uc_title; } public function init_additional_data(){ if ( ! self::$is_active || empty(XmlExportEngine::$exportQuery)) return; global $wpdb; $table_prefix = $wpdb->prefix; $in_orders = preg_replace("%(SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS|LIMIT.*)%", "", XmlExportEngine::$exportQuery->request); $in_orders = str_replace("{$table_prefix}posts.*", "{$table_prefix}posts.ID", $in_orders); if ( ! empty($in_orders) ){ if ( empty(self::$orders_data['line_items_max_count']) ){ self::$orders_data['line_items_max_count'] = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT max(cnt) as line_items_count FROM ( SELECT order_id, COUNT(*) as cnt FROM {$table_prefix}woocommerce_order_items WHERE {$table_prefix}woocommerce_order_items.order_item_type = %s AND {$table_prefix}woocommerce_order_items.order_id IN (". $in_orders .") GROUP BY order_id) AS T3", 'line_item')); } if ( empty(self::$orders_data['taxes'])){ self::$orders_data['taxes'] = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT order_item_id, order_id, order_item_name FROM {$table_prefix}woocommerce_order_items WHERE {$table_prefix}woocommerce_order_items.order_item_type = %s AND {$table_prefix}woocommerce_order_items.order_id IN (". $in_orders .") GROUP BY order_item_name", 'tax')); } if ( empty(self::$orders_data['coupons'])){ self::$orders_data['coupons'] = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT order_item_id, order_id, order_item_name FROM {$table_prefix}woocommerce_order_items WHERE {$table_prefix}woocommerce_order_items.order_item_type = %s AND {$table_prefix}woocommerce_order_items.order_id IN (". $in_orders .") GROUP BY order_item_name", 'coupon')); } if ( empty(self::$orders_data['fees'])){ self::$orders_data['fees'] = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT order_item_id, order_id, order_item_name FROM {$table_prefix}woocommerce_order_items WHERE {$table_prefix}woocommerce_order_items.order_item_type = %s AND {$table_prefix}woocommerce_order_items.order_id IN (". $in_orders .") GROUP BY order_item_name", 'fee')); } if ( empty(self::$orders_data['variations'])){ self::$orders_data['variations'] = $wpdb->get_results($wpdb->prepare("SELECT meta_key FROM {$table_prefix}woocommerce_order_itemmeta WHERE {$table_prefix}woocommerce_order_itemmeta.meta_key LIKE %s AND {$table_prefix}woocommerce_order_itemmeta.order_item_id IN ( SELECT {$table_prefix}woocommerce_order_items.order_item_id FROM {$table_prefix}woocommerce_order_items WHERE {$table_prefix}woocommerce_order_items.order_item_type = %s AND {$table_prefix}woocommerce_order_items.order_id IN (". $in_orders .") ) GROUP BY meta_key", 'pa_%', 'line_item')); } if ( ! empty(PMXE_Plugin::$session) ) { PMXE_Plugin::$session->set('orders_data', self::$orders_data); PMXE_Plugin::$session->save_data(); } } } private $order_items = null; private $order_taxes = null; private $order_shipping = null; private $order_coupons = null; private $order_surcharge = null; private $order_refunds = null; private $__total_fee_amount = null; private $__coupons_used = null; private $order_id = null; // csv headers private $woo = array(); private $woo_order = array(); private $acfs = array(); private $taxes = array(); private $attributes = array(); private $articles = array(); private $exclude_from_filling = array(); protected function prepare_export_data( $record, $options, $elId, $preview ){ // an array with data to export $data = array( 'items' => array(), 'taxes' => array(), 'shipping' => array(), 'coupons' => array(), 'surcharge' => array() ); global $wpdb; $table_prefix = $wpdb->prefix; $implode_delimiter = XmlExportEngine::$implode; if ( empty($this->order_id) or $this->order_id != $record->ID) { $this->__coupons_used = array(); $this->order_id = $record->ID; $all_order_items = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM {$table_prefix}woocommerce_order_items WHERE order_id = {$record->ID}"); if ( ! empty($all_order_items) ) { foreach ($all_order_items as $item) { switch ($item->order_item_type) { case 'line_item': $this->order_items[] = $item; break; case 'tax': $this->order_taxes[] = $item; break; case 'shipping': $this->order_shipping[] = $item; break; case 'coupon': $this->order_coupons[] = $item; break; case 'fee': $this->order_surcharge[] = $item; break; } } } $this->order_refunds = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM {$table_prefix}posts WHERE post_parent = {$record->ID} AND post_type = 'shop_order_refund'"); } if ( ! empty($options['cc_value'][$elId]) ){ $is_items_in_list = false; $is_item_data_in_list = false; foreach ($options['ids'] as $ID => $value) { if ($options['cc_options'][$ID] == 'items') { $is_items_in_list = true; } if ( strpos($options['cc_label'][$ID], "item_data__") !== false ) { $is_item_data_in_list = true; } } $fieldSnipped = ( ! empty($options['cc_php'][$elId]) and ! empty($options['cc_code'][$elId]) ) ? $options['cc_code'][$elId] : false; if ( ! $is_items_in_list and $is_item_data_in_list ) { if ( ! empty($this->order_items)){ foreach ($this->order_items as $n => $order_item) { $meta_data = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM {$table_prefix}woocommerce_order_itemmeta WHERE order_item_id = {$order_item->order_item_id}", ARRAY_A); $item_data = array(); foreach ($options['ids'] as $subID => $subvalue) { if ( strpos($options['cc_label'][$subID], 'item_data__') !== false ) { $product_id = ''; $variation_id = ''; foreach ($meta_data as $meta) { if ($meta['meta_key'] == '_variation_id' and ! empty($meta['meta_value'])){ $variation_id = $meta['meta_value']; } if ($meta['meta_key'] == '_product_id' and ! empty($meta['meta_value'])){ $product_id = $meta['meta_value']; } } $_product_id = empty($variation_id) ? $product_id : $variation_id; $_product = get_post($_product_id); // do not export anything if product doesn't exist if ( ! empty($_product) ) { $item_add_data = XmlExportCpt::prepare_data( $_product, XmlExportEngine::$exportOptions, false, $this->acfs, $this->woo, $this->woo_order, ",", $preview, true, $subID ); if ( ! empty($item_add_data)) { foreach ($item_add_data as $item_add_data_key => $item_add_data_value) { if ( ! isset($item_data[$item_add_data_key])) $item_data[$item_add_data_key] = $item_add_data_value; } } } } } if ( ! empty($item_data)) $data['items'][] = $item_data; } $this->order_items = null; } } switch ($options['cc_options'][$elId]) { case 'order': case 'customer': $data[$options['cc_name'][$elId]] = ( strpos($options['cc_value'][$elId], "_") === 0 ) ? get_post_meta($record->ID, $options['cc_value'][$elId], true) : $record->{$options['cc_value'][$elId]}; switch ($options['cc_value'][$elId]){ case 'post_title': $data[$options['cc_name'][$elId]] = str_replace("–", '-', $data[$options['cc_name'][$elId]]); break; case 'post_date': $data[$options['cc_name'][$elId]] = prepare_date_field_value($options['cc_settings'][$elId], get_post_time('U', true, $record->ID), "Ymd"); break; case '_completed_date': $_completed_date = get_post_meta($record->ID, '_completed_date', true); $_completed_date_unix = empty($_completed_date) ? '' : strtotime($_completed_date); $data[$options['cc_name'][$elId]] = empty($_completed_date_unix) ? '' : prepare_date_field_value($options['cc_settings'][$elId], $_completed_date_unix, "Ymd"); break; case '_customer_user_email': $customer_user_id = get_post_meta($record->ID, '_customer_user', true); if ( $customer_user_id ){ $user = get_user_by( 'id', $customer_user_id ); if ($user){ $data[$options['cc_name'][$elId]] = $user->user_email; } } if (empty($data[$options['cc_name'][$elId]])) $data[$options['cc_name'][$elId]] = get_post_meta($record->ID, '_billing_email', true); break; } $data[$options['cc_name'][$elId]] = pmxe_filter( $data[$options['cc_name'][$elId]], $fieldSnipped); break; } } return $data; } private $additional_articles = array(); public function export_csv( & $article, & $titles, $record, $options, $elId, $preview ){ if ( ! self::$is_active ) return; $data_to_export = $this->prepare_export_data( $record, $options, $elId, $preview ); $implode_delimiter = XmlExportEngine::$implode; foreach ($data_to_export as $key => $data) { if ( in_array($key, array('items', 'taxes', 'shipping', 'coupons', 'surcharge', 'refunds')) ) { if ( ! empty($data)) { if ( $key == 'items' and ( $options['order_item_per_row'] or $options['xml_template_type'] == 'custom')) { foreach ($data as $item) { $additional_article = array(); if ( ! empty($item) ){ foreach ($item as $item_key => $item_value) { $final_key = preg_replace("%\s#\d*%", "", $item_key); $additional_article[$final_key] = $item_value; if ( ! empty($this->exclude_from_filling[$item_key])){ unset($this->exclude_from_filling[$item_key]); $this->exclude_from_filling[$final_key] = 1; } } } if ( ! empty($additional_article) ) { if ( empty($this->additional_articles) ) { foreach ($additional_article as $item_key => $item_value) { $article[$item_key] = $item_value; } } $this->additional_articles[] = $additional_article; } } } else { foreach ($data as $n => $item) { if ( ! empty($item)) { foreach ($item as $item_key => $item_value) { $final_key = (strpos($item_key, "#") === false and ! in_array($key, array('taxes', 'shipping', 'coupons', 'surcharge', 'refunds'))) ? $item_key . " #" . ($n + 1) : $item_key; if ( ! isset($article[$final_key])) { $article[$final_key] = $item_value; } else { $article[$final_key] .= $implode_delimiter . $item_value; } // if ( ! in_array($final_key, $titles) ) $titles[] = $final_key; } } } } } } else { // $article[$key] = $data; wp_all_export_write_article( $article, $key, $data ); // if ( ! in_array($key, $titles) ) $titles[] = $key; } } } public function filter_csv_rows($articles, $options){ if ( ! empty($this->additional_articles) and ( $options['order_item_per_row'] or $options['xml_template_type'] == 'custom') ) { $base_article = $articles[count($articles) - 1]; array_shift($this->additional_articles); if ( ! empty($this->additional_articles ) ){ foreach ($this->additional_articles as $article) { if ($options['order_item_fill_empty_columns'] and $options['export_to'] == 'csv') { if (!empty($this->exclude_from_filling)){ foreach ($this->exclude_from_filling as $key => $value) { $article[$key] = isset($article[$key]) ? $article[$key] : ''; } } foreach ($article as $key => $value) { unset($base_article[$key]); } $articles[] = @array_merge($base_article, $article); } else { $articles[] = $article; } } $this->additional_articles = array(); } } return $articles; } public function get_element_header( & $headers, $options, $element_key ){ switch ($options['cc_value'][$element_key]) { // Rate Code (per tax) case 'tax_order_item_name': // Rate Percentage (per tax) case 'tax_rate': // Amount (per tax) case 'tax_amount': if ( ! empty(self::$orders_data['taxes'])) { foreach ( self::$orders_data['taxes'] as $tax) { // $friendly_name = str_replace("per tax", $this->get_rate_friendly_name($tax->order_item_id), $options['cc_name'][$element_key]); $friendly_name = str_replace(" (per tax)", "", $options['cc_name'][$element_key]); if ( ! in_array($friendly_name, $headers)) $headers[] = $friendly_name; } } break; // Discount Amount (per coupon) case 'discount_amount': if ( ! empty(self::$orders_data['coupons'])) { foreach ( self::$orders_data['coupons'] as $coupon) { // $friendly_name = str_replace("per coupon", $coupon->order_item_name, $options['cc_name'][$element_key]); $friendly_name = str_replace("(per coupon)", "", $options['cc_name'][$element_key]); if ( ! in_array($friendly_name, $headers)) $headers[] = $friendly_name; if ( ! in_array("Coupon Code", $headers)) $headers[] = "Coupon Code"; } } break; // Fee Amount (per surcharge) case 'fee_line_total': if ( ! empty(self::$orders_data['fees'])) { foreach ( self::$orders_data['fees'] as $fee) { // $friendly_name = str_replace("Amount (per surcharge)", "(" . $fee->order_item_name . ")", $options['cc_name'][$element_key]); $friendly_name = str_replace(" (per surcharge)", "", $options['cc_name'][$element_key]); if ( ! in_array($friendly_name, $headers)) $headers[] = $friendly_name; if ( ! in_array("Fee Name", $headers)) $headers[] = "Fee Name"; } } break; // Product Variation Details case '__product_variation': if ( ! empty(self::$orders_data['line_items_max_count']) and ! empty(self::$orders_data['variations'])) { if ( $options['order_item_per_row'] or $options['xml_template_type'] == 'custom'){ foreach ( self::$orders_data['variations'] as $variation) { $friendly_name = $options['cc_name'][$element_key] . " (" . sanitize_title(str_replace("pa_", "", $variation->meta_key)) . ")"; if ( ! in_array($friendly_name, $headers)) $headers[] = $friendly_name; } } else{ for ($i = 1; $i <= self::$orders_data['line_items_max_count']; $i++){ foreach ( self::$orders_data['variations'] as $variation) { $friendly_name = $options['cc_name'][$element_key] . " #" . $i . " (" . sanitize_title(str_replace("pa_", "", $variation->meta_key)) . ")"; if ( ! in_array($friendly_name, $headers)) $headers[] = $friendly_name; } } } } break; default: switch ($options['cc_options'][$element_key]) { // Order's product basic data headers case 'items': if ( $options['order_item_per_row'] or $options['xml_template_type'] == 'custom') { if ( ! in_array($options['cc_name'][$element_key], $headers)) $headers[] = $options['cc_name'][$element_key]; } else { if ( ! empty(self::$orders_data['line_items_max_count'])){ for ($i = 1; $i <= self::$orders_data['line_items_max_count']; $i++){ $friendly_name = $options['cc_name'][$element_key] . " #" . $i; if ( ! in_array($friendly_name, $headers)) $headers[] = $friendly_name; } } } break; default: // Order's product advanced data headers if ( strpos($options['cc_label'][$element_key], 'item_data__') !== false) { $element_label = str_replace("item_data__", "", $options['cc_label'][$element_key]); $element_headers = array(); $element_name = ( ! empty($options['cc_name'][$element_key]) ) ? $options['cc_name'][$element_key] : 'untitled_' . $element_key; switch ($options['cc_type'][$element_key]) { case 'woo': XmlExportEngine::$woo_export->get_element_header( $element_headers, $options, $element_key ); break; case 'acf': if ( ! empty($this->acfs) ){ $single_acf_field = array_shift($this->acfs); if ( is_array($single_acf_field)) { foreach ($single_acf_field as $acf_header) { if ( ! in_array($acf_header, $element_headers)) $element_headers[] = $acf_header; } } else { if ( ! in_array($single_acf_field, $element_headers)) $element_headers[] = $single_acf_field; } } break; default: if ( ! in_array($element_name, $element_headers)) { $element_headers[] = $element_name; } else { $is_added = false; $i = 0; do { $new_element_name = $element_name . '_' . md5($i); if ( ! in_array($new_element_name, $element_headers) ) { $element_headers[] = $new_element_name; $is_added = true; } $i++; } while ( ! $is_added ); } // $element_headers[] = $element_name; break; } if ( ! empty($element_headers) ) { foreach ($element_headers as $header) { if ( $options['order_item_per_row'] or $options['xml_template_type'] == 'custom') { if ( ! in_array($header, $headers)) $headers[] = $header; } else { if ( ! empty(self::$orders_data['line_items_max_count'])){ for ($i = 1; $i <= self::$orders_data['line_items_max_count']; $i++){ $friendly_name = $header . " #" . $i; if ( ! in_array($friendly_name, $headers)) $headers[] = $friendly_name; } } } } } } else { if ( ! in_array($options['cc_name'][$element_key], $headers)) { $headers[] = $options['cc_name'][$element_key]; } else { $is_added = false; $i = 0; do { $new_element_name = $options['cc_name'][$element_key] . '_' . md5($i); if ( ! in_array($new_element_name, $headers) ) { $headers[] = $new_element_name; $is_added = true; } $i++; } while ( ! $is_added ); } } break; } break; } } public function get_rate_friendly_name( $order_item_id ){ global $wpdb; $table_prefix = $wpdb->prefix; $rate_details = null; $meta_data = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM {$table_prefix}woocommerce_order_itemmeta WHERE order_item_id = {$order_item_id}", ARRAY_A); foreach ($meta_data as $meta) { if ($meta['meta_key'] == 'rate_id'){ $rate_id = $meta['meta_value']; $rate_details = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM {$table_prefix}woocommerce_tax_rates WHERE tax_rate_id = {$rate_id}"); break; } } return $rate_details ? $rate_details->tax_rate_name : ''; } public function export_xml( & $xmlWriter, $record, $options, $elId, $preview ){ if ( ! self::$is_active ) return; $data_to_export = $this->prepare_export_data( $record, $options, $elId, $preview ); foreach ($data_to_export as $key => $data) { if ( in_array($key, array('items', 'taxes', 'shipping', 'coupons', 'surcharge', 'refunds')) ) { if ( ! empty($data)){ $xmlWriter->startElement('Order' . ucfirst($key)); foreach ($data as $item) { if ( ! empty($item)){ $xmlWriter->startElement(preg_replace("%(s|es)$%", "", ucfirst($key))); foreach ($item as $item_key => $item_value) { $element_name_ns = ''; $element_name = str_replace("-", "_", preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9:_]/i', '', preg_replace("%#\d*%", "", $item_key))); if (strpos($element_name, ":") !== false) { $element_name_parts = explode(":", $element_name); $element_name_ns = (empty($element_name_parts[0])) ? '' : $element_name_parts[0]; $element_name = (empty($element_name_parts[1])) ? 'untitled_' . $ID : $element_name_parts[1]; } $xmlWriter->beginElement($element_name_ns, $element_name, null); $xmlWriter->writeData($item_value, $element_name); $xmlWriter->closeElement(); // $xmlWriter->writeElement(str_replace("-", "_", sanitize_title(preg_replace("%#\d%", "", $item_key))), $item_value); } $xmlWriter->closeElement(); } } $xmlWriter->closeElement(); } } else { $element_name_ns = ''; $element_name = str_replace("-", "_", preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9:_]/i', '', $key)); if (strpos($element_name, ":") !== false) { $element_name_parts = explode(":", $element_name); $element_name_ns = (empty($element_name_parts[0])) ? '' : $element_name_parts[0]; $element_name = (empty($element_name_parts[1])) ? 'untitled_' . $ID : $element_name_parts[1]; } $xmlWriter = apply_filters('wp_all_export_add_before_element', $xmlWriter, $element_name, XmlExportEngine::$exportID, $record->ID); $xmlWriter->beginElement($element_name_ns, $element_name, null); $xmlWriter->writeData($data, $element_name); $xmlWriter->closeElement(); $xmlWriter = apply_filters('wp_all_export_add_after_element', $xmlWriter, $element_name, XmlExportEngine::$exportID, $record->ID); } } } public static function prepare_child_exports( $export, $is_cron = false ) { $queue_exports = array(); $exportList = new PMXE_Export_List(); global $wpdb; $table_prefix = $wpdb->prefix; $pmxe_prefix = PMXE_Plugin::getInstance()->getTablePrefix(); $in_orders = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT post_id FROM {$pmxe_prefix}posts WHERE export_id = %d AND iteration = %d", $export->id, $export->iteration - 1); foreach ($exportList->getBy('parent_id', $export->id)->convertRecords() as $child_export) { $whereClause = ""; switch ($child_export->export_post_type) { case 'product': if ( $export->options['order_include_poducts']) { $queue_exports[] = $child_export->id; if ( ! $export->options['order_include_all_poducts'] ) { $in_products = $wpdb->prepare("SELECT order_item_meta.meta_value as product_id FROM {$table_prefix}posts as posts INNER JOIN {$pmxe_prefix}posts AS order_export ON posts.ID = post_id INNER JOIN {$table_prefix}woocommerce_order_items AS order_items ON posts.ID = order_id INNER JOIN {$table_prefix}woocommerce_order_itemmeta AS order_item_meta ON order_items.order_item_id = order_item_meta.order_item_id WHERE order_export.export_id = %d AND order_export.iteration = %d AND order_items.order_item_type = 'line_item' AND order_item_meta.meta_key = '_product_id' GROUP BY product_id", $export->id, $export->iteration - 1); $whereClause = " AND ({$table_prefix}posts.ID IN (". $in_products .") OR {$table_prefix}posts.post_parent IN (". $in_products ."))"; } } break; case 'shop_coupon': if ( $export->options['order_include_coupons']) { $queue_exports[] = $child_export->id; if ( ! $export->options['order_include_all_coupons'] ) { $whereClause = " AND {$table_prefix}posts.post_title IN (". $wpdb->prepare("SELECT order_item_name FROM {$table_prefix}woocommerce_order_items WHERE {$table_prefix}woocommerce_order_items.order_item_type = %s AND {$table_prefix}woocommerce_order_items.order_id IN (". $in_orders .") GROUP BY order_item_name", 'coupon') .")"; } } break; case 'shop_customer': if ( $export->options['order_include_customers']) { $queue_exports[] = $child_export->id; if ( ! $export->options['order_include_all_customers'] ) { $whereClause = " AND {$table_prefix}users.ID IN (" . $wpdb->prepare("SELECT meta_value FROM {$table_prefix}postmeta WHERE meta_key = %s AND post_id IN (". $in_orders .") GROUP BY meta_value", "_customer_user") . ")"; } } break; default: # code... break; } $child_export_options = $child_export->options; $child_export_options['whereclause'] = $whereClause; $child_export->set(array( 'triggered' => $is_cron ? 1 : 0, 'processing' => 0, 'exported' => 0, 'executing' => $is_cron ? 0 : 1, 'canceled' => 0, 'options' => $child_export_options ))->save(); } return $queue_exports; } public function get_fields_options( &$fields, $field_keys = array() ){ if ( ! self::$is_active ) return; foreach (self::$order_sections as $slug => $section) : if ( ! empty($section['meta'])): foreach ($section['meta'] as $cur_meta_key => $field) { $field_key = (is_array($field)) ? $field['name'] : $field; if ( ! in_array($field_key, $field_keys) ) continue; $fields['ids'][] = 1; $fields['cc_label'][] = (is_array($field)) ? $field['label'] : $cur_meta_key; $fields['cc_php'][] = ''; $fields['cc_code'][] = ''; $fields['cc_sql'][] = ''; $fields['cc_options'][] = (is_array($field)) ? $field['options'] : $slug; $fields['cc_type'][] = (is_array($field)) ? $field['type'] : 'woo_order'; $fields['cc_value'][] = (is_array($field)) ? $field['label'] : $cur_meta_key; $fields['cc_name'][] = $field_key; $fields['cc_settings'][] = ''; } endif; if ( ! empty($section['additional']) ) { foreach ($section['additional'] as $sub_slug => $sub_section) { foreach ($sub_section['meta'] as $field) { $field_key = (is_array($field)) ? $field['name'] : $field; if ( ! in_array($field_key, $field_keys) ) continue; $fields['ids'][] = 1; $fields['cc_label'][] = 'item_data__' . ((is_array($field)) ? $field['label'] : $field); $fields['cc_php'][] = ''; $fields['cc_code'][] = ''; $fields['cc_sql'][] = ''; $fields['cc_options'][] = 'item_data'; $fields['cc_type'][] = (is_array($field)) ? $field['type'] : $sub_slug; $fields['cc_value'][] = 'item_data__' . ((is_array($field)) ? $field['label'] : $field); $fields['cc_name'][] = $field_key; $fields['cc_settings'][] = ''; } } } endforeach; } public function render( & $i ){ if ( ! self::$is_active ) return; foreach (self::$order_sections as $slug => $section) : if ( ! empty($section['meta']) or ! empty($section['additional']) ): ?>


$section) : ?> $field) { $field_label = is_array($field) ? $field['label'] : $cur_meta_key; $field_type = is_array($field) ? $field['type'] : 'woo_order'; $field_name = is_array($field) ? $field['name'] : $field; $field_options = is_array($field) ? $field['options'] : $slug; switch ($field_options) { case 'order': case 'customer': if ( strpos($field_label, '_') === 0): ?> array( 'title' => __('Order', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), 'meta' => $this->available_order_data() ), 'customer' => array( 'title' => __('Customer', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), 'meta' => $this->available_customer_data() ), 'items' => array( 'title' => __('Items', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), 'meta' => $this->available_order_default_product_data(), 'additional' => $this->available_order_items_data() ), 'taxes' => array( 'title' => __('Taxes & Shipping', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), 'meta' => $this->available_order_taxes_data() ), 'fees' => array( 'title' => __('Fees & Discounts', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), 'meta' => $this->available_order_fees_data() ), 'notes' => array( 'title' => __('Notes', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), 'meta' => array( 'comment_content' => __('Note Content', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), 'comment_date' => __('Note Date', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), 'visibility' => __('Note Visibility', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), 'comment_author' => __('Note User Name', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), 'comment_author_email' => __('Note User Email', 'wp_all_export_plugin') ) ), 'refunds' => array( 'title' => __('Refunds', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), 'meta' => array( '_refund_total' => __('Refund Total', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), 'refund_id' => __('Refund ID', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), 'refund_amount' => __('Refund Amounts', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), 'refund_reason' => __('Refund Reason', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), 'refund_date' => __('Refund Date', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), 'refund_author_email' => __('Refund Author Email', 'wp_all_export_plugin') ) ), 'cf' => array( 'title' => __('Custom Fields', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), 'meta' => array() ), 'other' => array( 'title' => __('Other', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), 'meta' => array() ) ); return apply_filters('wp_all_export_available_order_sections_filter', $sections); } /* * Define the keys for orders informations to export */ public function available_order_data() { $data = array( 'ID' => __('Order ID', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), '_order_key' => __('Order Key', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), 'post_date' => __('Order Date', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), '_completed_date' => __('Completed Date', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), 'post_title' => __('Title', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), 'post_status' => __('Order Status', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), '_order_currency' => __('Order Currency', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), '_payment_method_title' => __('Payment Method Title', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), '_order_total' => __('Order Total', 'wp_all_export_plugin') ); return apply_filters('wp_all_export_available_order_data_filter', $data); } /* * Define the keys for general product informations to export */ public function available_order_default_product_data() { $data = array( '_product_id' => __('Product ID', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), '__product_sku' => __('SKU', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), '__product_title' => __('Product Name', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), '__product_variation' => __('Product Variation Details', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), '_qty' => __('Quantity', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), '_line_subtotal' => __('Item Cost', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), '_line_total' => __('Item Total', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), '_line_subtotal_tax' => __('Item Tax', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), '_line_tax' => __('Item Tax Total', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), '_line_tax_data' => __('Item Tax Data', 'wp_all_export_plugin') ); return apply_filters('wp_all_export_available_order_default_product_data_filter', $data); } public function available_order_items_data() { $data = XmlExportEngine::$woo_export->get_all_fields_for_order_items(); return apply_filters('wp_all_export_available_order_additional_product_data_filter', $data); } public function available_order_taxes_data(){ $data = array( 'tax_order_item_name' => __('Rate Code (per tax)', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), 'tax_rate' => __('Rate Percentage (per tax)', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), 'tax_amount' => __('Amount (per tax)', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), '_order_tax' => __('Total Tax Amount', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), 'shipping_order_item_name' => __('Shipping Method', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), '_order_shipping' => __('Shipping Cost', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), '_order_shipping_taxes' => __('Shipping Taxes', 'wp_all_export_plugin') ); return apply_filters('wp_all_export_available_order_default_taxes_data_filter', $data); } public function available_order_fees_data(){ $data = array( 'discount_amount' => __('Discount Amount (per coupon)', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), '__coupons_used' => __('Coupons Used', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), '_cart_discount' => __('Total Discount Amount', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), 'fee_line_total' => __('Fee Amount (per surcharge)', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), '__total_fee_amount' => __('Total Fee Amount', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), '__fee_tax_data' => __('Fee Taxes', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), ); return apply_filters('wp_all_export_available_order_fees_data_filter', $data); } public function available_customer_data() { $main_fields = array( '_customer_user' => __('Customer User ID', 'wp_all_export_plugin'), 'post_excerpt' => __('Customer Note', 'wp_all_export_plugin') ); $data = array_merge($main_fields, $this->available_billing_information_data(), $this->available_shipping_information_data()); return apply_filters('wp_all_export_available_user_data_filter', $data); } public function available_billing_information_data() { $keys = array( '_billing_first_name', '_billing_last_name', '_billing_company', '_billing_address_1', '_billing_address_2', '_billing_city', '_billing_postcode', '_billing_country', '_billing_state', '_billing_email', '_customer_user_email', '_billing_phone' ); $data = $this->generate_friendly_titles($keys, 'billing'); return apply_filters('wp_all_export_available_billing_information_data_filter', $data); } public function available_shipping_information_data() { $keys = array( '_shipping_first_name', '_shipping_last_name', '_shipping_company', '_shipping_address_1', '_shipping_address_2', '_shipping_city', '_shipping_postcode', '_shipping_country', '_shipping_state' ); $data = $this->generate_friendly_titles($keys, 'shipping'); return apply_filters('wp_all_export_available_shipping_information_data_filter', $data); } public function generate_friendly_titles($keys, $keyword = ''){ $data = array(); foreach ($keys as $key) { $key1 = $this->fix_titles(str_replace('_', ' ', $key)); $key2 = ''; if(strpos($key1, $keyword)!== false) { $key1 = str_replace($keyword, '', $key1); $key2 = ' ('.__($keyword, 'wp_all_export_plugin').')'; } $data[$key] = __(trim($key1), 'wp_all_export_plugin').$key2; if ( '_billing_email' == $key ) $data[$key] = __('Billing Email Address', 'wp_all_export_plugin'); if ( '_customer_user_email' == $key) $data[$key] = __('Customer Account Email Address', 'wp_all_export_plugin'); } return $data; } public static function prepare_import_template( $exportOptions, &$templateOptions, $element_name, $ID ) { if ( ! self::$is_active ) return; $options = $exportOptions; $element_type = $options['cc_value'][$ID]; $is_xml_template = $options['export_to'] == 'xml'; $implode_delimiter = XmlExportEngine::$implode; $billing_keys = array( '_billing_first_name', '_billing_last_name', '_billing_company', '_billing_address_1', '_billing_address_2', '_billing_city', '_billing_postcode', '_billing_country', '_billing_state', '_billing_email', '_billing_phone' ); $shipping_keys = array( '_shipping_first_name', '_shipping_last_name', '_shipping_company', '_shipping_address_1', '_shipping_address_2', '_shipping_city', '_shipping_postcode', '_shipping_country', '_shipping_state' ); switch ($element_type) { case 'ID': $templateOptions['unique_key'] = '{'. $element_name .'[1]}'; $templateOptions['tmp_unique_key'] = '{'. $element_name .'[1]}'; break; case 'post_title': $templateOptions['title'] = '{'. $element_name .'[1]}'; $templateOptions['is_update_title'] = 1; break; case 'post_status': $templateOptions['is_update_status'] = 1; $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['status'] = 'xpath'; $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['status_xpath'] = '{'. $element_name .'[1]}'; break; case 'post_date': $templateOptions['is_update_dates'] = 1; $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['date'] = '{'. $element_name .'[1]}'; break; case '_customer_user_email': $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['billing_source_match_by'] = 'email'; $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['billing_source_email'] = '{'. $element_name .'[1]}'; $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['is_update_billing_details'] = 1; $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['is_update_shipping_details'] = 1; //$templateOptions['pmwi_order']['guest' . $element_type] = '{'. $element_name .'[1]}'; break; case 'post_excerpt': $templateOptions['is_update_excerpt'] = 1; $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['customer_provided_note'] = '{'. $element_name .'[1]}'; break; case '_transaction_id': $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['transaction_id'] = '{'. $element_name .'[1]}'; break; case '_payment_method': $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['payment_method'] = 'xpath'; $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['payment_method_xpath'] = '{'. $element_name .'[1]}'; $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['is_update_payment'] = 1; break; case '__product_sku': $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['is_update_products'] = 1; $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['products_repeater_mode'] = $options['export_to']; if ($is_xml_template) { $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['products_repeater_mode_foreach'] = '{OrderItems[1]/Item}'; $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['products'][0]['sku'] = '{'. $element_name .'[1]}'; } else { $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['products_repeater_mode_separator'] = $implode_delimiter; if ( $options['order_item_per_row'] or $options['xml_template_type'] == 'custom') { $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['products'][0]['sku'] = '{'. $element_name .'[1]}'; } else{ $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['products'][0]['sku'] = '{'. $element_name .'1[1]}'; } } break; case '_qty': if ($is_xml_template) { $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['products'][0]['qty'] = '{'. $element_name .'[1]}'; } else { $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['products_repeater_mode_separator'] = $implode_delimiter; if ( $options['order_item_per_row'] or $options['xml_template_type'] == 'custom') { $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['products'][0]['qty'] = '{'. $element_name .'[1]}'; } else{ $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['products'][0]['qty'] = '{'. $element_name .'1[1]}'; } } break; // prepare template for fee line items case 'fee_line_total': $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['is_update_fees'] = 1; $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['fees_repeater_mode'] = $options['export_to']; if ($is_xml_template) { $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['fees_repeater_mode_foreach'] = '{OrderSurcharge[1]/Surcharge}'; $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['fees'][0]['name'] = '{FeeName[1]}'; $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['fees'][0]['amount'] = '{'.$element_name.'[1]}'; } else { $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['fees_repeater_mode_separator'] = $implode_delimiter; $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['fees'][0]['name'] = '{feename[1]}'; $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['fees'][0]['amount'] = '{'.$element_name.'[1]}'; } break; // prepare template for coupon line items case 'discount_amount': $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['is_update_coupons'] = 1; $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['coupons_repeater_mode'] = $options['export_to']; $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['coupons'][0]['amount_tax'] = ''; if ($is_xml_template) { $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['coupons_repeater_mode_foreach'] = '{OrderCoupons[1]/Coupon}'; $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['coupons'][0]['code'] = '{CouponCode[1]}'; $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['coupons'][0]['amount'] = '[str_replace("-","",{'.$element_name.'[1]})]'; } else { $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['coupons_repeater_mode_separator'] = $implode_delimiter; $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['coupons'][0]['code'] = '{couponcode[1]}'; $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['coupons'][0]['amount'] = '[str_replace("-","",{'.$element_name.'[1]})]'; } break; // prepare template for shipping line items case 'shipping_order_item_name': $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['is_update_shipping'] = 1; $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['shipping_repeater_mode'] = $options['export_to']; $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['shipping'][0]['name'] = '{'. $element_name.'[1]}'; $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['shipping'][0]['class'] = 'xpath'; $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['shipping'][0]['class_xpath'] = '{'. $element_name .'[1]}'; if ($is_xml_template) { $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['shipping_repeater_mode_foreach'] = '{OrderShipping[1]/Shipping}'; } else { $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['shipping_repeater_mode_separator'] = $implode_delimiter; } break; // shipping cost case '_order_shipping': $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['shipping'][0]['amount'] = '{'. $element_name .'[1]}'; break; // prepare template for tax line items case 'tax_order_item_name': $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['is_update_taxes'] = 1; $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['taxes_repeater_mode'] = $options['export_to']; $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['taxes'][0]['shipping_tax_amount'] = ''; $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['taxes'][0]['code'] = 'xpath'; $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['taxes'][0]['code_xpath'] = '{'. str_replace("pertax", "", $element_name) .'[1]}'; if ($is_xml_template) { $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['taxes_repeater_mode_foreach'] = '{OrderTaxes[1]/Tax}'; } else { $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['taxes_repeater_mode_separator'] = $implode_delimiter; } break; case 'tax_rate': $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['taxes'][0]['tax_code'] = 'xpath'; $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['taxes'][0]['tax_code_xpath'] = '{ratename[1]}'; break; case 'tax_amount': $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['taxes'][0]['tax_amount'] = '{'. str_replace("pertax", "", $element_name).'[1]}'; break; // order notes case 'comment_content': case 'comment_date': $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['is_update_notes'] = 1; $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['notes_repeater_mode'] = 'csv'; $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['notes_repeater_mode_separator'] = $implode_delimiter; $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['notes'][0][str_replace('comment_', '', $element_type)] = '{'. $element_name .'[1]}'; break; case 'visibility': $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['notes'][0]['visibility'] = 'xpath'; $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['notes'][0]['visibility_xpath'] = '{'. $element_name .'[1]}'; break; case 'comment_author': $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['notes'][0]['username'] = '{'. $element_name .'[1]}'; break; case 'comment_author_email': $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['notes'][0]['email'] = '{'. $element_name .'[1]}'; break; // Order Total case '_order_total': $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['order_total_logic'] = 'manually'; $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['order_total_xpath'] = '{'. $element_name .'[1]}'; break; // Order Refunds case 'refund_amount': case 'refund_reason': case 'refund_date': $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['is_update_refunds'] = 1; if ($is_xml_template) { $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['order_' . $element_type] = '{OrderRefunds[1]/Refund/'.$element_name.'[1]}'; } else { $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['order_' . $element_type] = '{'. $element_name .'[1]}'; } break; case 'refund_author_email': $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['order_refund_issued_email'] = '{'. $element_name .'[1]}'; $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['order_refund_issued_match_by'] = 'email'; if ($is_xml_template) { $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['order_refund_issued_email'] = '{OrderRefunds[1]/Refund/'.$element_name.'[1]}'; } else { $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['order_refund_issued_email'] = '{'. $element_name .'[1]}'; } break; default: if ( in_array($element_type, $billing_keys)){ $templateOptions['pmwi_order']['guest' . $element_type] = '{'. $element_name .'[1]}'; } if ( in_array($element_type, $shipping_keys)){ $templateOptions['pmwi_order'][ltrim($element_type, '_')] = '{'. $element_name .'[1]}'; } break; } } /** * __get function. * * @access public * @param mixed $key * @return mixed */ public function __get( $key ) { return $this->get( $key ); } /** * Get a session variable * * @param string $key * @param mixed $default used if the session variable isn't set * @return mixed value of session variable */ public function get( $key, $default = null ) { return isset( $this->{$key} ) ? $this->{$key} : $default; } } }