var WPRSS_TMCE_PLUGIN_ID = 'wprss'; var WPRSS_ED = null; var wprss_dialog_submit = null; jQuery( document ).ready( function($) { wprss_dialog_submit = function() { all = $('#wprss-dialog-all-sources').is(':checked'); sources = []; $('#wprss-dialog-feed-source-list :selected').each( function( i, selected ){ sources[i] = $(selected).val(); }); sources = sources.join(','); excludes = []; $('#wprss-dialog-exclude-list :selected').each( function( i, selected ){ excludes[i] = $(selected).val(); }); excludes = excludes.join(','); limit = $('#wprss-dialog-feed-limit').val(); shortcode = '[wp-rss-aggregator'; if ( all ) { if ( excludes.length > 0 ) shortcode += ' exclude="' + excludes + '"' } else { if ( sources.length > 0 ) shortcode += ' source="' + sources + '"' } if ( limit !== '' && limit !== '0' ) shortcode += ' limit="' + limit + '"'; shortcode += ']'; WPRSS_ED.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, shortcode); WPRSS_Dialog.close(); } window.WPRSS_Dialog = new function() { // Keep a reference to the current object var base = this; var dialog = null; var dialog_head = null; var dialog_head_close = null; var dialog_inside = null; var close = function( e ) { overlay.fadeOut(); dialog_inside.empty(); }; base.close = close; base.init = function() { overlay = $('
'); dialog = $('
'); dialog_head = $('

WPRSS Aggregator Shortcode

'); dialog_head_close = $('').html('×').appendTo( dialog_head ); dialog_inside = $('
'); dialog.append( dialog_head ); dialog.append( dialog_inside ); overlay.hide().appendTo('body'); dialog.appendTo(overlay); close ); close ); dialog.on( 'click', function( e ) { e.stopPropagation(); }); }; base.getDialog = function() {; $.ajax({ url: ajaxurl, type: 'POST', data: { action: 'wprss_editor_dialog' }, success: function( data, status, jqXHR) { if ( data.length > 0 ) { dialog_inside.html( data ); } } }); }; } WPRSS_Dialog.init(); tinymce.create( 'tinymce.plugins.' + WPRSS_TMCE_PLUGIN_ID, { // INITIALIZE THE BUTTON init : function( ed, url ) { // Add the button ed.addButton( WPRSS_TMCE_PLUGIN_ID, { title : 'WPRSS Aggregator shortcode', image : url + '/../images/icon-adminpage32.png', onclick : function() { idPattern = /(?:(?:[^v]+)+v.)?([^&=]{11})(?=&|$)/; WPRSS_Dialog.getDialog(); WPRSS_ED = ed; /* var vidId = prompt("WP RSS Aggregator", "Choose feed source"); var m = idPattern.exec(vidId); if (m != null && m != 'undefined') ed.execCommand('mceInsertContent', false, '[wprss source="'+m[1]+'"]'); */ } }); }, createControl : function( n, cm ) { return null; }, getInfo : function() { return { longname : "WPRSS Aggregator Shortcode", author : 'John Galea', authorurl : '', infourl : '', version : "1.0" }; } }); tinymce.PluginManager.add( WPRSS_TMCE_PLUGIN_ID, tinymce.plugins.wprss ); });